Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Discover ancient salamander

Paleontologists from the United States and China have discovered the oldest known salamander at the moment. The article appeared in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
New species whose remains were found in the Chinese province of Liaoning, was named Beiyanerpeton jianpingensis. Age findings was determined by analysis of the ratio of isotopes of uranium and lead in ambient ground remains it turned out to be 157 million years old. Age previous record holders, according to scientists, was 112-114 million years.

In Israel found of gold

Israeli archaeologists have discovered a unique collection of gold jewelry. This was reported in the press release of the University of Tel Aviv, whose staff participated in the excavations. The English language version of the press release is available on Physic organization .

The hoard was discovered during excavations near the modern city of Tel Megiddo. Jewelry collection was wrapped in cloth and hidden inside a clay vessel filled with mud. Vessel itself was discovered in 2010, but cleared him just now.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

In China discovered the remains of an ancient hominid

Paleontologists have discovered the remains of the ancient people in a cave in the southwest of China, which may belong to previously unknown species. A report about the discovery was published  in the journal PLoS One.
Three bones of ancient people were found in the cave of the Stag near the city of Mengzi in Yunnan Province in 1989, but fell into the hands of researchers only recently. The remains of the fourth instance found in the vicinity of the local villages. Age remains, researchers estimate that between 14 500 and 11 500 years, which means that their owners have lived together with Homo sapiens, are beginning to engage in agriculture in the area.

Dinosaur skeleton sold at auction for a million dollars

At auction in New York under the hammer went Tarbosaurus skeleton, dinosaur which lived on Earth in the late Cretaceous period. The remains of ancient animals were sold for one million 52 thousand 500 dollars, reported on the official website of the auction house Heritage Auctions, spent bids. Tarbosaurus acquired collector who wished to remain incognito.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The crystal pyramids under water in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle

The Dr. Meyer Verlag, a scientist with the discovery of the oceans of glass pyramids underwater to a depth of two thousand meters in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, where they were discovered using advanced sonar devices where scientists were able to determine the quality of the crystal pyramids they surprise that the size of the pyramids three times larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Giza, where Dr. Verlag work further investigation about the mystery of pyramids who are in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Bermuda Triangle something to do with the disappearance of flight MH370

Almost a week after his disappearance, the fate of the MH370 flight, the airline Malaysia Airlines, remains a complete mystery. The plane was traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board the majority Chinese citizens. While the authorities in several countries and dozens of planes and boats scour every corner including China Sea the Pacific Ocean the Bay of Bengal and other parts of the Indian Ocean, some people wonder if the Bermuda Triangle could not have something to do with the accident.

The plane Malaysia abduction and Bermuda Triangle

Aliens or aliens, are dedicated to abduct humans and their ships. It is hypothesized that for decades handled the media and networks have embraced the Internet. The disappearance last Saturday of Malaysia Airlines Boeing flying between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing with 239 people on board reinforces these speculations, which have important points of contact with the legend of the Bermuda Triangle.
A terrorist hypothesis adds the abduction in the case of Boeing 777-200, powered by a surprising fact.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Egyptian pyramids

An engineer experienced in restoration ensures that no ramps or blocks, but debris and mud were used, and that the construction was from the inside out.A new theory adds to the controversy never resolved how the Egyptian pyramids were built. Peter James, dubbed the Indiana Jones Welsh, ensures that these monuments were built from the inside out. Large ramps but scaffolding and ropes are not used.

Monday, December 15, 2014

A brief history of Hinduism

No religion is simple to understand or be underestimated in their dogma history structure and parishioners. All are complex and require a certain believers personal sacrifice, ranging from having to pray several times a day to avoid eating certain types of animals. Hinduism is no exception and even for a Westerner can become truly difficult to understand such ancestral faith. In this present work we try to bring the Western reader to this religion, one of the hundreds that exist in India and Asia, but it is certainly one of the most recognized worldwide, even if only in name.

History of Islam

Currently Islam is a faith that brings together some 1.2 billion adherents. How and when was launched such a comprehensive religion that is second only to members of the Catholic Church? Muhammad was an Arab born in Mecca around 570 AD, no father and mother; Normal life was spent without misfortunes thanks to their families.In his youth he married an older woman who was said to be very rich.

A story about human infamy

The British extended their empire through Africa during the nineteenth century. There are many white settlers came to get rich by exploiting the natural resources of the natives. That is, we are talking about the typical European colonialist mentality at the height of imperialism. But not only the British but also French, Dutch, Germans and other Europeans were present on the African continent. Racial discrimination against blacks was not new, and much less in the nineteenth century.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The super weapons of Hitler

When Hitler started the war in September 1939 was not too strong. It however blitzkrieg theory, innovative tactic of war to the world at the time, gave the first great victories. However, the military scientists Hitler always insisted that the war had begun earlier than usual, and that Germany, despite their initial successes stopped being poorly prepared and the mere fact of making a small mistake, would not lead the country to inevitable defeat.

History of the Middle Ages Weapons

Another time we did a review of the first weapons with which our ancestors were worth. Beyond developments as ornaments, shapes and colors, we could say that the most important trait  history of human arms  , is the use that is given. Indeed, the weapons first served as an instrument of self-defense and hunting, which leads to the power of the first groups of men and women who populated the Earth.

Prisoner on the River Kwai

After the failed Operation U-go in which the Japanese failed to take Imphal and Kohima, the Allies launched a counter allowed to return to Burma from the north. Thanks also to the support of the Anglo-Indian and Chinese-American partners, Japan began to lose the war in Southwest Asia in late 1944 and early 1945, as is happening on other fronts. In his long retreat south of Burma, the once powerful Japanese armies left behind, traces of decay, as wounded, maimed, weapons, sick, evidence of mass suicides or murders of prisoners, and other typical aberrations war, which would merit an extensive review. Knowing that the war was lost, the Japanese High Command in Southwest Asia, is only limited to rethink their procedures and strategies to help overcome the difficulties with the lowest possible casualties.

Scientists solve mystery of huge mountains on Mars

NASA's Mars rover kiuriositi gabesanayana space that had landed in the middle of Gale crater has a very high hill. Mars is the place that we can solve the mystery of the mountain, the night sleep scientists omitted.
But inthemiddle of Galecrater of Mount Sharp,about five kilometersishow to createa high mountain, the scientists could not believe his explanation. Based onrecent data kiuriositir obharera Scientists finally solved the mystery.

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Cultural Revolution in England during the eighteenth century

In the late eighteenth century, England was going through one of its best moments. The Age of Enlightenment had penetrated deep into the hearts of millions of Europeans and Britain could no exception. Innate land of great scientists and inventors the field of literature, humanities and art could not be left aside. Let's start with philosophy. In this area highlights John Locke, English philosopher of the Whigs and creator of modern liberalism.

The Second Sino Japanese War

Status of China before the conflict began : By 1937 Japan had about 300,000 soldiers under his command, but with a military team that was probably the best of all east. Among his allies included the Manchus and Mongols, which numbered about 150,000 soldiers. On the island there were nearly 2 million well-equipped and trained reservists. Obviously it was a considerable force, which the Chinese, despite being one of the most numerous peoples of the world, were not prepared to endure.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The pre-liberation of Paris weeks

On June 6, 1944, D-Day, Operation Overlord began. It was the assault on the Atlantic Wall on which Hitler boasted of being invincible. Two days later it was nearly 150,000 allies on beaches seriously pushing the Germans, although they resisted, they were finally defeated. In the days before the leaders of the Resistance had crippled much of the railways, communications and others, complicating the German advance to the beaches and allowed the landing of the Allies.

The Culture of the Achaeans

The Achaeans or Mycenaeans built great temples at Mycenae, Tiryns and Pylos. The Door of the two lions is another great work they have left for posterity and history, and expresses admiration uttered this animal in that realm. After the invasion of the Achaeans, Crete was contingent and dependent on mainland Greece. However, the pioneer of Schliemman had a larger exploration at Mycenae and Greece itself sleep; wanted to find the city of Priam, destroyed by the Achaeans.

The origin of the origin of civilization

Greek civilization and cultural development are the basis and foundation of all Western civilization. One of the most striking points of this culture so influential is perhaps their mythology, known from Japanese animated television series, blockbuster movies like Troy until 2004, through countless literary inspirations, art paintings etc.But Greece is not only remembered for their mythology, but also by their philosophers, bequeathed to posterity the basis of contemporary knowledge, both of philosophy, the mother science as the disciplines derived from the various areas occupied these great thinkers .

Friday, December 5, 2014

History Human Civilizations on Earth

It is a fact that the universe is full of intelligent lives ever since time immemorial. We human beings of planet Earth are just a very small fraction of the whole. Most extraterrestrials are humanoid. Some are exactly like us, and some are with certain variations, such as height and color. This is mainly due to differences in gravitational field and climate of their native planets.

The Historical Miracle of the QUAR'AN

We sent Nuh to his people and he remained among them for fifty short of a thousand years; yet the Flood engulfed them while they were wrongdoers. (Qur'an, 29:14)
The Prophet Nuh (as) was sent to his people by Allah. They had distanced themselves from the commandments of the Lord and ascribed partners to Him. The Prophet Nuh (as) warned them that they should serve Allah alone and abandon the false worship which they had established in their community.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mysterious feather Structure from Ancient Rome Discovered

 A recently discovered mysterious winged structure in England, which in the Roman period may have been used as a temple, presents a puzzle for archaeologists, who say the building has no known parallels.Built around 1,800 years ago, the structure was discovered in Norfolk, in eastern England, just to the south of the ancient town of Venta Icenorum.

Mystery of The Roman Dodecahedrons

The standard definition of a dodecahedron is a geometrical object with twelve faces. A Roman dodecahedron is defined as a smallish object with twelve equally-sized faces and holes in the middle of each side that surrounds a hollow middle.
Approximately 100 of these objects have been found throughout Europe : Wales, Italy, Germany, France and other modern countries. Tests show them as dating between the 100s and 200s C.E.Despite the number of them and the fact that they have been found in places known to be populated by the ancient Romans, nobody knows what they are or what purpose they served.

Big Miracle story is frozen in time

Almost 25 years ago, the world's attention was rapt on three gray whales stranded by encroaching sea ice off the coast of Alaska and the effort to free them. Dave Withrow, a marine mammal biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)was called in to help with the rescue, which had to contend with frigid temperatures, persistently freezing ice and coordinating a wide range of groups that wanted to help with the effort.The story is the subject of the recently released film Big Miracle. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Whale of a Tale

 Almost 25 years ago, the world's attention was rapt on three gray whales stranded by encroaching sea ice off the coast of Alaska and the effort to free them.
Dave Withrow, a marine mammal biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was called in to help with the rescue, which had to contend with frigid temperatures, persistently freezing ice and coordinating a wide range of groups that wanted to help with the effort.Withrow spoke about his experiences during the rescue, called Operation Breakthrough" in a recent NOAA interview.

Sixty Dome Mosque

The Sixty Dome Mosque a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mosque in Bangladesh, the largest in that country from the Sultanate period. It has been described as the most impressive Muslim monuments in the whole of the Indian subcontinent.

In mid-15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the unfriendly mangrove forest of the Sundarbans near the coastline in the Bagerhat district by an obscure saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. He preached in an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, then known as Khalifalabad.Khan Jahan adorned this city with more than a dozen mosques.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Vampires: Fact, Fiction and Folklore

Vampires are a perennial favorite around Halloween, but they can be found year-round in movies and on television, in books and on blogs. The public's thirst for vampires seems as endless as vampires' thirst for blood. Modern writers of vampire fiction, including Stephenie Meyer, Anne Rice Stephen King and countless others have a rich vein of vampire lore to draw from.The most famous vampire is of course, Bram Stoker's Dracula, though those looking for a historical real Dracula often cite Romanian prince Vlad Tepes 1431-1476, after whom Stoker is said to have modeled some aspects of his Dracula character.The characterization of Tepes as a vampire, however is a distinctly Western one; in Romania, he is viewed not as a blood-drinking sadist but as a national hero who defended his empire from the Ottoman Turks.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Miracle Mermaids History

Should reports of mermaids be classified as folklore expressing aspects of the human condition or is the mythical element around their existence merely our attempt to explain the origin and existence of something very real? Many people theorize humans created mermaids to try to understand their existence as both an animal and something entirely different.
Mermaids have a mixed reputation. Some reported their unearthly beauty, others feared them as a sign of bad luck.