Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Malaria virus found in ancient insects

A rare insect louse bats for over 20 million years ago carried the virus of malaria across these animals. This discovery was reported by scientists from the University of Oregon . Data on the opening have been published in the edition Live Science.

During an expedition to an abandoned mine mountains of the Dominican Republic, scientists were able to find a piece of amber in which the remains of an ancient parasite. As further laboratory studies, preserved streblida was infected with malaria. Discovery was scientific sensation, as modern parasites of this species do not carry dangerous diseases.

Sterblidy are ectoparasites that most of its existence is performed on the limbs of bats or their fur. The length of the calf is very small  less than 3 millimeters. Hallmarks keds is inflexible neck and long legs. Sterblidy often do not have wings. In general, the appearance they are very typical representative of arachnids.

Previously it was thought that malaria virus can be transmitted only related sterblidam louse . These insects live in Europe. Now empirically proved that American bats also long been vulnerable to the virus.

It is worth noting that at the moment the population of bats in America is in danger. Among them is rapidly spreading disease, called white-nose syndrome. More than a third of US states and several Canadian provinces experiencing the effects of the virus. Certain species of bats, such as small brown korotkouhaya each year lose up to 70 percent of its population, and are on the verge of extinction. 

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