Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wild Animals on Earth disappeared in the last 40 years

Human activities have caused extinction in 40 years, over 50% of wild animals on the planet, says the report "Living Planet" prepared by the NGO World Wide Fund for Nature WWF, which sounds the alarm about overexploited resources of the Earth quotes Tuesday.
The various forms of life are both matrix ecosystem that permit life to exist on Earth and barometer that shows the effects they have on the planet said Director General of WWF, Marco Lambertini.

Where most dangerous creatures living

An island located off the coast of Sao Paolo, Brazil, is home of the world's deadliest snakes, vipers golden spear head and the number is huge.

According to the Smithsonian, on this island that measures just 43 hectares, live at least 4,000 head of lance snakes, they are racing completely different from other species.

Friday, January 30, 2015


In Egyptian mythology the god of the underground  Osiris was represented by a dragon. In Greek mythology, dragons always appear as defenders of a place or thing or devouring anyone. In European mythology the dragon looks like a snake and was a legendary creature. Both Eastern mythology and in the West it was believed that dragons are responsible for producing eclipses.


Stories about mermaids existed for centuries and forms a large part of the folklore about supernatural beings water, especially around coastal regions such as Cornwall England or northern islands of Scotland. Seeing sirens was considered bad sign, presaging storms and stormy sea. There are many stories describing their interaction with people.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Internet Evolution and Development

If the twentieth century is said rightly that belonged engineering the recent years culminating in the development of informatics and cybernetics through finished goods computers coming century is said to be of communication. If at first were morse signals, then the telegraph revolutionized communications phone that things have evolved strong at the end of this century culminad today with a new and powerful concept called the Internet. What is the Internet, a brief history and how it works I will explain in the following lines.

History of Coffee

Most of the things that surround us have a legend on their origin. Legend of the origin coffee is linked to Kaldi, a goat herder who lived in Ethiopia after more than 1,000 years. He noticed strange behavior of goats after they ate the coffee bushes. Even old goats frolicked energetic. Kaldi told the story of monks, and they get a drink of coffee beans to help them stay awake all night. The drink became known as kahweh Arab term for refreshing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Unicorn called Licorna or unicorn is a mythical beast strong, wild and fierce. The unicorn is represented by a white horse with a horn in the middle of the forehead. Some legends describe as having magical unicorn horn: give life, removes evil or cure diseases.
Pliny, the Roman biologist described him as having the body of a horse, the head of a deer, feet of an elephant, the tail of a pig as having a black horn in the center of the forehead.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Arch in mythology

In classical mythology, spring, considered an invention of Croteau, is the attribute of many deities. Can be met in many iconographic evidence as part of the equipment of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and his correspondence Latin, Diana. Arc bears often Orion, Chiron and the Centaurs, and many heroes, including Heracles especially. After the disappearance of the hero, his bow was entrusted to Philoctetes. But since he could not follow the Greek army at Troy, stopping at Lemnos because of terrible injuries, the results of the siege of Troy have been compromised. In fact, according to prophecy, only use weapons in combat of Heracles ensure victory Achaeans. As such, bringing Philoctetes to Troy will be a prerequisite for the success of the test.

Mysterious Drawings in the Nazca desert

Drawings in the Nazca desert to this day is one of the greatest mysteries of archeology. These drawings were found in the desert completely random, and if aviation is not got its rapid development in the 20th century may be people still did not know anything about them.
This miracle can only be observed from an airplane or a high hill. The first who saw the giant figures of the desert, Paul was Kosok,it happened in 1920.See all the beauty of geometric shapes, Paul was able to board the plane.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

All types of Tarot

Traditional Tarot 
There are major traditions of the Tarot. First - it Marseilles Tarot  Deck with a specific historical iconography of the Major Arcana and the blind Minor Arcana.However, the practice of Marseilles tradition here are certain geometric patterns numerological conformity decipher the symbolism of color, etc. There are variations of this tradition, recognizable by numbered cards and a certain order and names of the high cards.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Scientists have discovered the oldest traces of life on Earth

Scientists have discovered the oldest cells on Earth, which confirm the existence of life about 3.4 billion years ago.
If you go to the distant past, we can see that life could exist on the planet. However, the conditions for its normal development were not wealthy. According to the latest analysis, which is conducted with the rock, life on our planet, there are at least 3.5 billion years old. However, the physical curing this theory, namely so old fossilized cells is difficult to detect.

In Australia found the remains of a huge marsupials

Fossils huge marsupials found in northern Australia, do not look like the remains of a wombat, which is the size of an elephant, and lived on the Earth 2.5 million years nazad. Uchenye believe that rare fossils Diprotodon belong to the largest marsupial animal that ever lived on this planet.
The remains of creatures weighing three tons, were found in a pasture in north-western Australia. A group of Australian archaeologists call them Shirley.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Altai Princess sick osteomyelitis and cancer

The woman, whose mummy was found by archaeologists for more than 20 years ago in the Altai and known worldwide as the Altai Princess during the lifetime of suffering serious illnesses, including cancer, from which, presumably and died according to the Online magazine of the SB RAS Science at first hand.Mummy old woman was found by the expedition of Novosibirsk archeologist Natalia Polosmak in 1993 in a mound of the Scythian period in the Altai Ukok plateau near the border with Mongolia. Age finds estimated at more than 2.5 thousand years, she was named one of the most important discoveries in recent archeology.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Discovered the earliest traces of human hunting

American archaeologists have found traces of human hunting, dating from the period of two million years BC. This is stated in the article, a group of scientists from Baylor University, published in PLOS ONE. Review Article found at the university.
Total in South Kanjera in Kenya, researchers found three well-preserved remains of a layer of slaughtered animals. In the burial archaeologists also found evidence that the representatives of the tribe.

Culture in the world has created not man

How in the world has its first picture? It would seem to answer this question  simply nowhere! In the picture in the history books depicted dressed in animal skins savage malyuyuschy on the walls of his cave hunting scenes. However, recent archaeological studies show that ancient artists could appear long before human civilization 

For a long time it was thought that the first-ever pictures were created 100 thousand years ago the inhabitants of South Africa. Incidentally, last year, archaeologist Dean Snow from the University of Pennsylvania made the discovery that the world's first artists were still women, but not men.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ramses III throats cut

Pharaoh Ramses III died a violent death, BBC News reports, citing a study group of Italian scientists led by Albert Zink . Pharaoh throats cut - a deep wound on the neck of Ramses III was found on CT scans.

According to doctors, the wound was applied sharp blade and could easily cause the death of Pharaoh. We can not assert with absolute probability that the cause of death of Ramses III became the wound, but we are inclined to the idea. Cut could do embalmers, but this is unlikely  I know of such cases,  said Zink.

In Africa found the house age of 15 000 years

Polish archaeologists discovered the remains of buildings and human age of 15 000 years in Sudan, Africa. They are proof that the development of human society in this era is at a higher level than previously thought.
These houses were built in the late Paleolithic.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Pompeii gradually disappear

The Italian city of Pompeii is the second time in its history, is on the verge of extinction. At this time, the blame for the destruction of the treasures of ancient Rome could fall not a natural disaster, and the irresponsibility of local officials.The historic city crumbles in front of tourists and archaeologists. The local authorities do not have enough funds for the reconstruction of the famous ruins. Pompeii at the moment are one of the world's largest archaeological parks.

United Kingdom in 1916 tried to steal an ancient monument in Greece

British troops in 1916, tried to steal in Greece and take in London's unique five-meter marble lion, which decorated the burial in Amphipolis, said Greek archaeologist Michalis Lefantzis.

Archaeologists presented Saturday at the Ministry of Culture of Greece the results of excavations in 2012-2014 on a hill castes in Amphipolis. Burial called the biggest archaeological discovery of the last decade  funerary complex 158.4 meters in diameter surrounded by a marble wall length of 497 meters, in the burial found mosaics and sculptures of sphinxes and caryatids. On the hill stood a five-meter lion, which is reported to archaeologists, and tried to take the British military in 1916.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Sacrifice of children in Peru

Unusual find was discovered by American scientists in Peru. At the cemetery Sillustani, which refers to the pre-Inca era, were found skeletons of small children. Their age was not more than 3 years. Scientists believe that children were used for sacrifices.

Guesses archaeologists confirms the known images on pottery belonging to the culture Stakes. Probably, the children were buried during the battle with the expansion of other tribes. A special ritual burial emphasizes the presence of offerings to the gods of the underworld and in humation babies in baskets.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Portals of the other world in the pyramid of the Sun

Regular artifacts gives archaeologists the most famous historical city of Teotihuacan in Mesoamerica. The tower called the Pyramid of the Sun scientists have discovered a previously unknown remains of sacrifices and a number of unique artifacts.

The uniqueness of the work of the last season is the first time that archaeologists had dug a tunnel under the center of the base of the Pyramid of the Sun. It was there that the foundations were found three buildings that date back to the early period, ie until the tower itself.

Temple of the Sun

Majestic religious building ancient Mayan ruins of which were found in an abandoned city under the provisional name of Palenque , is striking in its reasonableness, engineering accuracy and richness of decoration.

The length of the temple complex is about thirteen meters. The facade of the building facing the rising sun, that is, to the east. Front wall separate three massive input aperture, so that the central part of the wall resembles a column decorated with stucco. Inner rooms are extensive galleries with stone floors made of polished slabs.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

In the Arctic found the remains of turtles

In the polar regions of Canada, scientists discovered the fossilized shells of turtles belonging to the populations living in tropical climates. This finding may shed light on the biological history of the Earth the time when the abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect created by it contributed to the formation of a hot climate throughout the world.

Malaria virus found in ancient insects

A rare insect louse bats for over 20 million years ago carried the virus of malaria across these animals. This discovery was reported by scientists from the University of Oregon . Data on the opening have been published in the edition Live Science.

During an expedition to an abandoned mine mountains of the Dominican Republic, scientists were able to find a piece of amber in which the remains of an ancient parasite. As further laboratory studies, preserved streblida was infected with malaria. Discovery was scientific sensation, as modern parasites of this species do not carry dangerous diseases.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Traces of the oldest chocolate in North America

Scientists have found traces of alkaloids cocoa in North American ceramic vessels of the eighth century. Work published in Journal of Archaeological Science.
The researchers did washings with pottery found in the parking lot 13 in Canyonlands National Park in Utah. Its age is about 1200 years parking refers to the 770 th year of our era. The resulting solutions were analyzed by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry.
As a result, the authors were able to find traces of blood vessels in caffeine and theobromine alkaloids, characteristic of cocoa beans. According to scientists, the finding suggests that the population of North America had used the chocolate around 300 earlier than previously thought.

Traces of the Indians had destroyed the meteorite

Scientists from the University of North Carolina have found new evidence of a meteorite in North America about 13,000 years ago. The consequences of this decline are traditionally associated with the disappearance of American megafauna and Indian culture Clovis. The work is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Magnetic microspheres called microscopic metal beads formed by melting and subsequent solidification of metals. They are often seen as evidence of meteorite falls along with impactites rocks formed as a result of such events.

Human bones become brittle and easy due to the transition to agriculture

Human bones become brittle and easy due to the transition to agriculture - before the onset of the Neolithic skeleton of our ancestors for strength is not inferior to the skeleton of an orangutan. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of two articles published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Summary of the study described in the press release of the University of Cambridge.Scientists conducted a fluoroscopic examination and tomography bones unearthed by archaeologists in Illinois.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Found descendants of the Tyrolean Iceman

Genetics from Austria found among living people 19 descendants human mummy which was previously found in the Alps and whose age is estimated at 5300 years. The discovery was made by searching for 3700 Tyrolese characteristic of Oetzi mutation. Details referring to representatives of the research team from the Medical University of Innsbruck, who gave an interview to Austrian Press Agency leads BBC.

The report said that the scientists used the genome previously read Oetzi. Then, in 3700 volunteers took blood for analysis and found that 19 people have the same rare mutation that of the ancient inhabitants of the Tyrolean Alps.

In Scotland discovered an ancient calendar

Holes dug in the north of Scotland around 10,000 years ago, according to British archaeologists, not that other, as the world's oldest calendar. If this is true, then the calendar Stone Age nearly 5,000 years older than the Sumerian bronze calendar found in Mesopotamia, which is still considered the first calendar in the history of mankind.

Primitive calendar discovered during aerial terrain Warren Field in the Scottish county of Aberdeenshire. Specialists of the Royal Commission of Antiquities.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mummification invention have been linked to climate

Archaeologists have linked the invention of mummification in ancient South American culture Chinchorro with the onset of the temporary wet period in the climate of the Atacama. The work is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Hunters and gatherers Chinchorro mummies lived about 10 thousand years ago in the Atacama Desert, in the territory of modern Chile and Peru. Around 7,000 years ago, they invented the world's first artificial mummification, but the causes of this practice, archaeologists are still not clear. The fact that the emergence of complex cults usually occurs in complex farming communities, communities and the number of collectors Chinchorro on average no more than a hundred people.

In the Andes alpine discovered primitive people

In the Peruvian Andes, at an altitude of 4500 meters above sea level, found traces of prehistoric man - this is the highest point, which traveled primitive people, reported in the journal Science. Scientists do not yet imagine how the inhabitants of the sites in the Andes could survive in conditions of low oxygen, strong solar radiation and extreme cold.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Famous Lake Vostok in Antarctica disappointed scientists

In the mysterious subglacial reservoir in Antarctica have not yet found life. Famous Lake Vostok in Antarctica, alas, disappointed scientists. As Sergey Bulat, a member of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics and the team leader for the study of the extracted samples from the lake ice, they could not find traces of life.

Preliminary test results reported Oct. 18 in the journal Nature, with reference to Bulat. According to him, the upper layers of the lake, apparently, lifeless. The scientist added that it is still very preliminary results, in addition, it is hoped to detect micro-organisms in the deeper layers.

When it was hot in Antarctica

In some parts of the ancient Antarctica was once as warm as it is today on the coast of California and Florida. On this claim scientists in their research using a new method of measuring the temperature in the past.

The findings, published in April in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, stressing the potential to raise the temperature of the Earth's poles, as well as the associated risk of melting of the polar ice caps and rising sea levels.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

In Jerusalem at the Israel Museum with the support of the largest search engine Google had lined the World Wide Web photos Qumran manuscripts, which are better known under the name of Dead Sea Scrolls. From now on, every user of the web can study the ancient manuscripts that are available in very high resolution.Among the images: a large scroll and leaf Temple prophet Ishayagu.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Discovered the oldest tiger

In the journal plos one by scientists from the National Museum of Scotland Edinburgh published a detailed description of the oldest tiger skull found in China as early as 2004. Age finds roughly determined 2,16-2,55million years. Details reports LiveScience website .
Skull found in near the town of Lunan District in the northern Chinese province of Gansu , slightly less than the skull of modern tiger, but is almost identical with it in shape and already has all the typical tiger features, such as the nose and large udlinnenny lower fangs.

Scientists believe the birthplace of Indo-European

An international team of linguists and biologists found that the birthplace of Indo-European languages ​​is Anatolia . The work is published in the journal Science, a brief description leads The New York Times.
Studies led by biologist Quentin Atkinson from the University of Auckland in New Zealand. For the analysis of Indo-European languages, scientists have used methods developed for studying the evolution of species. The researchers analyzed the vocabulary 103 Indo-European languages, and data on their geographical distribution and historical development.

Scientists looked at the so-called cognates - cognates having a common origin and a similar sound in two or more languages. Cognates are words usually the least exposed to changes in the evolution of languages .Comparing the number of cognates in different languages, the researchers were able to estimate the extent of their relationship, likening thus cognates genes and differences cognates mutations.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Discovered an ancient tomb of the unknown queen

Burial refers to the period of the Old Kingdom of the third millennium BC.

Czech archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb in Egypt previously unknown queen of the Fifth Dynasty. The tomb, whose age exceeds 4 greatly thousands of years, has been found in the Abu Cyr necropolis southwest of Cairo. Presumably, a noble woman was the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre or mother of Pharaoh Menkaure.

The name of the queen was previously unknown. Vystu paya with soobsch eniem o podtver divsheysya nahodke, ministr drevnostey and naslediya Egipta El Mamduh-Damati soobschil, chto on vnutrenney stene usypalnitsy udalos obnaruzhit nadpis with oboznacheniem imeni tsaritsy. Scientists have identified it as Kentakvess third.

Archaeologists have found a treasure with ornaments Mansi

Tyumen archeologists excavated near St. Andrew's Lake and got a boiler with two pounds of jewelry Mansi peoples.

The staff and students of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts, going on an archaeological expedition to the St. Andrew's Lake near Tyumen, did not even know that in the end will make a real discovery.

During the excavations they found leaky copper pot, which contained two kilograms of silver jewelry.