Monday, February 23, 2015

Peacock Blue beauty and awe

Who does not know this bird and not left enchanted by her elegance least once ?! Splendid coloring, coada- fan with dozens of piercing blue eyes and courtly dance conquered man thousands of years ago. The peacock is one of the most beautiful birds in the world, and one of the most respected. Over the centuries it has been revered by Hindus and courtyards adorned many royal palaces in the world.
And today peacock is greatly appreciated and wanted, can say that it has become a pet bird and ornament by definition. Prior to advise you should consider when caring for a peacock, this article will provide a closer knowledge of the birds tales.

Origin, habitat and cultural value

Peacock blue is also known as: common peacock, peacock peacock Indian or Asian. As the name suggests its origin is in the South Asia, in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other territories south of the Himalayas. Domestication began over 2000 years ago, and European vessels colonized India, enchanted by its beauty, they spread all over the world. In many regions of the world peacock has become a component of the local fauna, semi-wild.

In contrast, in countries such as Bangladesh peacock blue is endangered, mainly due to hunting for meat and then the feathers. On the other hand, in India and Sri Lanka, peacock wild populations thrive due to the protection afforded to its spiritual value. In many religions Hindu deities such as the peacock is associated with Shiva, Krishna, Karthikeya its absolute recognition was made ​​in 1963, when blue peacock was declared the national bird of India. And in the tradition of Indian peacock has connotations beneficial. The villagers kept peacocks besides their homes, not for ornament, but because these birds feed chickens venomous snakes, reptiles killer protecting people.

It is believed that Alexander the Great was the one who brought these birds in Europe. Other sources say that there peacock Greek culture long before. Legend has it that the goddess Hera have an extremely loyal servant, Argus, who had plenty of eyes on the body. When Hermes killed his servant, goddess took a deep blue eyes and placed them on the peacock's tail, to honor his memory. Phoenician traders brought the peacock in Ancient Egypt and Syria. King Solomon in its gardens peacocks cards.

Wild peacock lives in open forests, preferably located on the waters edge. Were adapted and cultivated agricultural land, often causing damage peasants. Can also be found near human settlements. On the slopes of the Himalayas soar to altitudes of 1800 meters, sometimes even exceeding 2000 meters.

Behavior and social organization

Peacocks are sociable birds. They live in groups consisting of one male and 5 females 3. After mating, most groups consist only of females and their offspring. Although it is one of the largest flying bird, the peacock spend more time running than flying. When attacked by rich vegetation gushing from the ground and is lost thereby. When I feel close predator tall birds beeping to warn neighbors.

The group starts looking for food in the morning, at sunrise, and then in the evening just before sunset. Meanwhile, during the day, sitting down on the rocks or elevation of earth and sun baths. When temperatures are too high to cool forest retreat. To spend the night cocoteaza peacocks are on top of the tree branches. Prefer trees are on the riverbanks or in the forest, especially in the dry. Sometimes, several groups gather in the evening, at sunset, and stay in registered accommodation together. In this way you can better protect against predators. Jaguar is the only carnivore which can disrupt rest nocturia. This nocturnal predator is a very good climber and can be surprised at night when birds are most vulnerable.


Indian peacock  is a brightly colored bird of the pheasant family. The male is responsible for the popularity of this species, as only he develops colorful plumage and tail fan. Female, although of similar size, has a color deleted and missing tail. The peacock is a large bird: it weighs between 3 and 6 kg and measures about 2 m . Females and they can reach up to 5 kg weight, body length but stops only at 1 m, because of the absence of the tail.

The male shows a fan-shaped crest of feathers made ​​of black with bluish green reflections. The head is blue metallic. Black eyes are employed between two white lines crossing over, respectively, below them. These lines are actually made ​​of leather devoid of feathers or down. The rest of the head is bluish-black color. The back shows a drawing in the form of bronze with shimmering green scales. The chest is metallic blue and dark green abdomen.

The tail-fan, the most precious ornament of peacock tail is not fully anatomical. The tail itself is made ​​up of only 20 feathers, short, dark, which are designed to support the 200 long feathers, ending as a blue eye. These feathers actually goes on behind the bird. Even women can plump tails, as a fan, but this is obviously smaller, less colorful and consists exclusively of the 20 tail feathers.
The female peacock shows a format in shades of brown color, which in some regions emit green glow. Abdomen and lower areas are white. Youth show the same color as females. Young males only after the 2nd year of life develop long feathers of the range. But until they reach four years can display all 200 feathers, perfectly arranged in the tail haughty.


It's no secret that the peacock gala attire is to conquer females. As the fan has an opening larger and more intensely colored plumage of the male is so attractive to females. As they age, beauty and talent to scroll increases, such as those who are elderly males mate most. At the onset of the breeding season male peacocks gather in groups and fight. Fighting is non-violent and consists only in display and shaking tail, courtship dance performance. Females can see all the males in the same place, you can compare and choose the best. Males can plump in the absence of females.

The breeding season begins in April and lasts until May. The female digs a nest in the ground, you lining with grass and feathers. This will make 4 to 6 eggs, white and will hatch alone. After 28 days the chicks will hatch. As soon as they were out of eggs are fit to run, if they are threatened. Sometimes puppies climb on the back of the mother, who flies the nearest branch to avoid a certain predator.


Peacocks are omnivorous birds. They feed on seeds, nuts, fruits, insects, reptiles and small mammals. Eat venomous snakes and chickens, and those adults ii avoid the risk of being bitten has to be higher.

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