Saturday, March 28, 2015

Numerology an esoteric science

Numerology is a science that uses esoteric correspondence between letters and numbers. This helps in calculating specific number of people depending on the name it bears. To find this number add up all the figures contained in the person's name and then reduce the number one result of the meeting between 1 and 9. Some numerologists and add their numbers Master 11 and 12.
Example reduced to a number of names: Marian Popescu = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4.
The resulting number is called the number of personal expression, which is very important for scientists in the field, because it shows some features of the personality of the individual.
An equally important issue is the fate that shows what destiny will turn that person. This number is calculated by adding the numbers in the date of birth.
Example 18. 02.1986 = 1 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8.

The numbers between 1 and 9 have the following properties :

"1" = person who meets this number is inventive, individualistic and tend to lead in the blood. He'd like to discuss contradictory, being a dynamic person, and polemics. It is considered superior to others, without having any complex and loving and always have the useful word. It is therefore authoritarian people around them, but do not accept this attitude from someone else on it. It's the kind of person independent, enthusiastic and brain.
Depending on the reaction which is the number of vibrations may enroll in these two different personalities.
Thus, if the answer to number one is lower vibrations of a guy arrogant, extremist, representing a fearsome foe. At the same time can be a guy with a poor self-confidence. If react positively to the vibrations of the medium is characterized by a number of quiet nature, but, when provoked, react surprisingly brutal, like a bomb.
"2" = person characterized by this number is distinguished by harmony, diplomacy, the trend of collaboration and courtesy, calm. This number is appropriate especially women, there is the attraction to family life, child-rearing, etc., and these persons appreciate beauty, art, smoothness. Their personality is characterized by shyness, influential character, gullible, hesitant and indecisive. They also tend to doubt yourself, and keep a formalist way to act without too much use their imagination and creativity.
"3" = symbol of the Trinity, which causes an ingenious character, cheerful, full of optimism. People who enroll in this number are free of inferiority complex, very sociable, talkative , industrious, enterprising, interested in knowing how many. Although characterized by a thirst for knowledge and power so often promise more than they can really achieve. It is also characterized by malingering, superficiality and ostentatious character.
"4" = This number is characteristic mostly natives of Virgo. Entrants in this issue are responsible, serious, rational, practical and persistent. Natures are closed, but split hairs and not miss anything of what is happening around them. Although they have a strong tendency to analyze everything, are able to understand that not always right, although we like to think so. Their priorities in life are mostly related to social and material. I am conservative with logical thinking, soft and deep. It annoys very hard, being calm natures and mind, but if you reach a certain level of anger is hard to control and act reckless.
"5" = opinion entered this number is marriage and expression of human perfection. Those corresponding to this number are characterized by the desire for knowledge and intelligence dynamics. I am spontaneous, adventurous, open to new, loving them change, travel and risk. It is also characterized by irritability and instability.
"6" = This number symbolizes harmony, balance and humanity. The person who corresponds to this number is romantic, sensitive, generous and tend to give a lot of love. It is characterized by strong emotion, idealism, and charity. In specific ideas conservatism and swing them. On the other hand, are contemplative, indulging in some cases unfavorable and withdraw more than is the case in an imaginative world ..
"7" = This is the great number of biblical and represents human communion with the Divine. The person that matches this number is very balanced, independent, curious and with a strong sense of observation. They show emotion and sensitivity. They tend to be itrovertiti, enigmatic and book greatly striving for perfection. Do not settle for half measures.
"8" = This number is the symbol of strength materials. The person characterized by this number is practical and efficient, ambitious, tending to reach the peaks of the hierarchy, with a realistic and practical spirit. He likes to lead and organize various activities and even people, sometimes even dictatorism can reach. This trend is coupled with stubbornness, impulsiveness and excessive pride.
"9" = corresponding to this number are active people, selfless, very enthusiastic, intuitive, intelligent and with a strong vitality. I'm the kind of person extravagant, nonconformist, revolutionary. Have a great curiosity and thirst for knowledge, is progressive. On the other hand leads almost sacrificial altruism.
Famous arrived numbers are those numbers that have made ​​history. By using different numbers, Jews sought to decipher the will of the gods. They are known as cabalistic signs, considering that numbers possess mystical powers .

Examples of famous numbers:

* Number one:
- 1 is the number of Divinity: there is one God
* Number two:
- 2 represents the couple, pair, feminine, innocent, fragile, need for protection
* Number three:
- The Trinity
- The three Magi from the east of Christianity
- The three saints chilly
- The Three Fates in Greek mythology
- The Three Graces
- The three brave attempts of folktales
* Number four:
- The four evangelists
- The year has four seasons
- The cards have four colors
- There are four basic classes
- Currently, physicists believe that there are four states of aggregation of matter: solid state, liquid state, gaseous plasma.
* Number five:
- The human body has five extremities: a head, two hands, two legs.
- Each hand and foot has five toes.
- The five books of Moses
- The five elements associated with the Chinese calendar (water, fire, wood, metal, earth)
- Pentathlon consists of five sports
- Five corners were communist star pentagram
* Number seven:
- The 7 deadly sins (avarice, envy, anger, arrogance, Fornication, drunkenness, laziness)
- The seven virtues (love, faith, fortitude, hope, cleverness)
- The seven hills of Rome
- The seven kings legendary Roman (Romulus, Abcus Martius, Numa Pompilius, Servius Tulius, Tullus Hostilius, Prisens Tarquinius Tarquinius Superbus)
- The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Pyramids, Colossus of Rhodes, Temple of Ephesus, Gardens Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Lighthouse of Pharos, Tomb of Halikarnas)
- The seven wise men of old (Bias, Solon, Chilo, Thales, Pittakos, Kleobulos, Periander)

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