Monday, March 2, 2015

Business Ethics

From the point of view of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian language, ethics is defined as, among others, all rules of good conduct ideology of a particular company or organization.
Contextualize such, the discussion about the ethics starts from the assumption that business should contain and the size called social responsibility.
Proponents of this idea believe that both large corporations and small businesses have obligations to society, which is above the obligation to maximize profit. One of the arguments in question is that, being so powerful corporations have a duty to assume social responsibilities. Corporations should be conducted for the benefit of all who have interests in these companies as well as from the owner. Corporate management is charged with responsibility based on credibility with everyone involved. Previous argumentation has the same truth value and where it is applied to smaller organizations. Therefore, we can consider the challenges of organizational ethics from several perspectives:
How can we create a culture of the organization that is characterized by change, flexibility, continuous improvement, and maintain both a sense of stability and security?
How do we as a people and culture to align strategy, so that everyone in the organization to be as devoted to the strategy and those who made ​​it?
 How all people adopt the principles of maximum quality and continuous improvement even if cynical, tired, disappointed?
How  to liberate creativity, talent and energy
The vast majority of employees whose jobs do not require nor rewards such resources?
 How do we preserve a balance between the wise and always renewed professional and personal life in the middle of the constant pressures and crises?
How to create a team whose members complement each other, based on mutual respect, given that few people appreciate the diversity and pluralism?
In recent years, organizations tend to become increasingly more aware of their responsibilities globally to all those whom operational activities and beyond  involve them. In a first phase, it is manifested by the development and implementation of an action plan designed to improve communication between the organization and all lobbyists with whom they come in contact, permanent or incidental.
Although there is no universal formula to resolve ethical dilemmas, a specific framework for organizing thinking is absolutely necessary. Analysis of the position of all involved provides the tools needed to analyze the different elements and make a decision. It is necessary to draw up a list of all parties that may be affected by that business decision and will be also assessed the damage and benefits of this action on all involved. The next level of analysis to determine the rights and responsibilities of each party affected.
From here to the development of a code of ethics is only one step. One not so easy to do for everyone. The costs in money and other resources to be allocated to develop a formal program of ethics can be prohibitive for some small organizations. But a well-defined policy on ethics over the rules of conduct guidelines will lead to a general framework ethical and moral behavior within the company
Thereby contributing to the fulfillment of social responsibility Individual debt for a better team.
More or less, resources and new openings to organizational ethics are assumed to be a universal good. It can thus be concluded that, in building value, business ethics and social responsibility Organizational can have a major role in the development of an organization.

Simplistically defined, ethics refers to what is good and what is bad. The studying this discipline or  just an ethics course will want to know what are the values ​​and moral principles standard that guides moral behavior and how it can be put into practice. In other words, deepening this theme has both a theoretical purpose and a practical one (their application in everyday life).
Business ethics is a branch dedicated to the ethical norms and principles in the commercial context, moral issues arising in these situations and obligations of persons directly involved in this activity.
Ethics & business
Why should we worry about business ethics? Why should you pay extra for ethics in business, apart from the already allocated conferences on the subject, many imposed by the company's board?
Those who doubt the usefulness of business ethics assume that most people know that the principles of good. Therefore, there is no difficulty theoretical topic, but a practice that keeps motivation: Why should act according to these principles? However, moral problems that arise in the business year are not quite so simple, such as: Should the employee X lie their head?
A senior manager dilemma facing more serious: the company's impact on the environment, the effects of commercial activity in the interests of the community, employees and customers. Even if a short-term calculation would recommend ignoring these variables, this strategy is the loser in the medium and long term, as the company's success depends on the attitude , reaction environment. Therefore, organizations are caught in a web of economic and social relations rather complicated and also very dynamic, being forced to contribute partially to the common good or at least not negatively affect their actions foreign entities.
The manager should be interested in business ethics ,  especially if the economic environment in which it operates his organization is changing or if the parent company is located in another region of the globe. In this situation, the board must manage inspired legacy own cultural organization ,  so businesses go well.
What kind of principles imposes some employees who have a completely different mindset from that of the organization? How negotiates with state institutions that have no special inclination for legal compliance? There are difficult issues that require a workout serious theoretical and practical alike.
Areas of research
Since the 60s, business ethics have evolved into a complex managerial discipline, which includes vast areas as:
i). Corporate governance (rules for conducting General Meetings of Shareholders, auditing practices etc.);
ii). Creating an ethical organizational culture (strategic planning, organizational ethics, human resources policies);
iii). Leadership (CEO role in promoting organizational ethical);
iv). Corporate social responsibility;
v). Rules and procedures at work (labor and employment practices, optimal balance work, etc.);
vi). Products and services (business reputation, consumer safety, intellectual property);
vii). Legal behavior;
viii). Ethics (confidentiality, loyalty managers and employees);
ix). The global dimension of business ethics;

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