Thursday, February 26, 2015

50 interesting facts about jellyfish

Jellyfish have very different sizes, from the size of Gamaliel up to 2.5 meters and their tentacles can reach lengths up to 60 meters length twice as big as a blue whale.
Jellyfish are found in all seas and oceans . They are found even in freshwater lakes and ponds.
Each tentacle is armed with thousands of specially adapted cells to behave like miniature harpoon. These cells are called nematocysts. When a fish or other object is caught in these cells tentacles pull tubes incolocite injecting venom into the prey inside.

The main defense mechanisms of jellyfish are nematocistele that sting prey and transparent body, which makes them difficult to spot.
Jellyfish have very different sizes, from the size of Gamaliel up to 2.5 meters and their tentacles can reach lengths up to 60 meters length twice as big as a blue whale.
Jellyfish are found in all seas and oceans . They are found even in freshwater lakes and ponds.
Each tentacle is armed with thousands of specially adapted cells to behave like miniature harpoon. These cells are called nematocysts. When a fish or other object is caught in these cells tentacles pull tubes incolocite injecting venom into the prey inside.
The main defense mechanisms of jellyfish are nematocistele that sting prey and transparent body, which makes them difficult to spot.
Jellyfish have a short tube in the lower body which functions as both the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract.
Jellyfish have no brain, heart, ears, head, limbs and bones. Their skin is so thin that jellyfish skin breathe.
Even if you do not have brain jellyfish, they have a nervous system receptors that detect light elemental vibrations of water and chemicals. These skills, along with a sense of gravity allows jellyfish to move through the water.
Jellyfish are invertebrates, meaning no skeleton. Approximately 95% of their body water.
Jellyfish are most commonly found in shallow, coastal, yet scientists have discovered several species that live at depths of 9,000 meters. Although there are jellyfish living in the subarctic waters, most of them prefer warmer waters.
Portuguese Caravel looks like a jellyfish, but is actually a colony of other animals, a colony of Coelenterata. Its name comes from the gas-filled bladder that floats on the water surface.
Medusa nettle tentacles even if it is detached from the body.
The smallest jellyfish in the world can take even half a millimeter in diameter. This asexually reproduce by division.
The largest jellyfish in the world can weigh up to 230 pounds.
The largest jellyfish is the Stygiomedusa gigantea species was seen only 17 times in 110 years.
Jellyfish multiply both sexually and asexually. Usually jellyfish have two sexes, although there are hermaphroditic species.
The lifetime of jellyfish is between a few hours and up to 30 years. Jellyfish in captivity usually live longer than those in the wild. Since jellyfish are very fragile they are caught in the polyp stage, when they are least vulnerable.
Carnivorous Most jellyfish are passive. They feed on crustaceans, other jellyfish, eggs, small fish and plankton.
Jellyfish have many predators including other jellyfish, sharks, tunas, swordfish, sea turtles and some species of Pacific salmon.
 There is a species of jellyfish - Turritopis nutricula - called immortal jellyfish because it could turn back the body mature polyp reincepandu their life cycle.
Jellyfish have very different sizes, from the size of Gamaliel up to 2.5 meters and their tentacles can reach lengths up to 60 meters length twice as big as a blue whale.
Jellyfish are found in all seas and oceans . They are found even in freshwater lakes and ponds.
Each tentacle is armed with thousands of specially adapted cells to behave like miniature harpoon. These cells are called nematocysts. When a fish or other object is caught in these cells tentacles pull tubes incolocite injecting venom into the prey inside.
The main defense mechanisms of jellyfish are nematocistele that sting prey and transparent body, which makes them difficult to spot.
Jellyfish have a short tube in the lower body which functions as both the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract. Jellyfish have no brain, heart, ears, head, limbs and bones. Their skin is so thin that jellyfish skin breathe.
Even if you do not have brain jellyfish, they have a nervous system receptors that detect light elemental vibrations of water and chemicals. These skills, along with a sense of gravity allows jellyfish to move through the water.
Jellyfish are invertebrates, meaning no skeleton. Approximately 95% of their body water.
Jellyfish are most commonly found in shallow, coastal, yet scientists have discovered several species that live at depths of 9,000 meters. Although there are jellyfish living in the subarctic waters, most of them prefer warmer waters.
Portuguese Caravel looks like a jellyfish, but is actually a colony of more animals, a colony of Coelenterata. Its name comes from the gas-filled bladder that floats on the water surface.
Medusa nettle tentacles even if it is detached from the body.
The smallest jellyfish in the world can take even half a millimeter in diameter. This asexually reproduce by division.
The largest jellyfish in the world can weigh up to 230 pounds.
The largest jellyfish is the Stygiomedusa gigantea species was seen only 17 times in 110 years.
Jellyfish multiply both sexually and asexually. Usually jellyfish have two sexes, although there are hermaphroditic species.
The lifetime of jellyfish is between a few hours and up to 30 years. Jellyfish in captivity usually live longer than those in the wild. Since jellyfish are very fragile they are caught in the polyp stage, when they are least vulnerable.
Carnivorous Most jellyfish are passive. They feed on crustaceans, other jellyfish, eggs, small fish and plankton.
Jellyfish have many predators including other jellyfish, sharks, tunas, swordfish, sea turtles and some species of Pacific salmon.
There is a species of jellyfish - Turritopis nutricula - called immortal jellyfish because it could turn back the body mature polyp reincepandu their life cycle.

The most common jellyfish Aurelia aurita is European shores. This jellyfish is usually blue or pink and lives at depths of approximately 6 meters and is the most famous Romanian seaside jellyfish. Urzicatura it is usually mild, but can leave skin redness and itching.
Even dead jellyfish can sting.
Jellyfish are in waters more than 650 million Earth years, long before the dinosaurs appeared, and these bodies are the oldest animals with multiple organs.
Portuguese Caravelele can have long tentacles up to 50 meters. Often they can be seen in groups of more than 1,000 individuals. To avoid the dangers they may deflate to dive into the water for a short time.
There are jellyfish that anchors the ocean floor upside down and tentacles up. It looks more like plants than with typical jellyfish.
There are about 2,000 species of jellyfish. Of these 70 can harm people. Chironex Flecker is the most dangerous species of jellyfish. Scientists believe that there are about 300,000 species of jellyfish that have not yet been discovered.
Jellyfish are Coelenterata belonging to the class Scyphoza in Greek meaning cup.
 A group of jellyfish is called bloom.
 Flowers along Japan can contain up to half a billion individuals, each the size of a closet.
 Crabs were observed that rode jellyfish. Their external skeleton and protecting their Urzicarului. Sometimes crabs caught stealing food from jellyfish.
Jellyfish are made of more than 95% water. If they are removed from water easily break and die.
 Mainly jellyfish moving in two ways. They swell umbrella water which then eliminates thus creating a jet of water that propels them forward or use of marine currents.
The body is created in large jellyfish in six parts. The inner layer that surrounds the cavity gastrovasculara, the middle layer consists of a denser substance called mesoglea, experts layer - the epidermis, opening and tentacles.
Research has shown that the maritime shipping industry artificially distributed jellyfish in areas where they were not native who began to colonize. Ships carry jellyfish in two ways: 1. Polyps attach to hulls or 2. Ballast water discharged from ships and taken elsewhere - this water may contain jellyfish and other organisms. Billions of gallons of ballast water are moved by the world each year.
Jellyfish are aggressive settlers. Only eight years after the genus Ctenophora jellyfish in the Black Sea in 1982 were estimated at an amount of about 900 million tons. This caused losses to fisheries and tourism of 350 million US dollars.
Jellyfish totals more than ten times the amount of fish caught annually in the world.
About 150 million people are exposed annually by Nettle jellyfish.
Environmental constraints can increase the number of individuals in a group of jellyfish. Jellyfish are among the few organisms that can adapt easily to oceanic dead zones or in areas with very little oxygen or very polluted. There are about 400 dead zones in the oceans.
Scientists believe that environmental stress factors, including climate change, pollution and overfishing led to the proliferation of jellyfish.
In many parts of the world jellyfish are considered delicacies.
Jellyfish are harvested for extraction of collagen, a substance with multiple uses include the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
In 2007 the population of jellyfish explosion decimated salmon farms in Northern Ireland killing over 100,000 fish.
Jellyfish belong to the phylum celenteratelor. All animals of this phylum are radially symmetrical. From this phylum also includes hyraxes, sea anemones and corals.
In 2002 tourist died of a nettle jellyfish Irukanji Australian waters in the Great Barrier Reef. This jellyfish is the size of a fingernail, but long tentacles up to one meter. Unlike other jellyfish nematocysts it is positioned on the bell.
The name comes from Greek mythology where jellyfish monster Medusa had snakes instead of hair.
ellyfish digest food faster. It would be hard to move if they have to carry large amounts of food.
Jellyfish venom from a single Irukanji is enough to kill 60 people.
Every year jellyfish kill more people than sharks.
Most jellyfish have two main stages in life: polyp - making buds grow like plants and adulthood - jellyfish.
Jellyfish staying near the surface and sunlight are usually colorless and those that are at greater depths are red, purple, yellow, and sometimes they and stripes.
Jellyfish thrive in different ways. Some lay eggs that will be fertilized outside the body, others keep them in the hole until the hole to grow enough to fend for themselves, while others divide. I can lay up to 45,000 eggs in one day.  

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