Monday, February 2, 2015

Labour History

In the history of human society, the simplest division of labor, its own primitive communism was a natural division of labor, found on difference of sex and age, which is based on a purely physiological (Karl Marx). Through the degeneration of village primitive, development of productive forces gave rise to social division of labor, characterized, in particular, in that it is based on socio-economic criteria and in which manufacturers place different production activities.
The first great social division of labor consisted of separation tribal pastors from all other tribes, and the second largest division was the separation of agriculture trades. Expanding production of goods and market led to the third great division of labor, namely separation of merchants, which dealt exclusively with the exchange. Evolution of division of labor was accompanied by the emergence and consolidation of private ownership of the means of production, emphasized social differentiation has led to the emergence of social classes, the institutionalization of political function in society, the emergence of the state. Also, it generated separation and opposition, deep along the history of the city and country, between physical and intellectual work.
Concept of historical materialism which help explain the succession modes of production, the major economic changes, social, political, ideological and spiritual history occurred in society.
Each new step of progress of the productive forces generated a high division of labor, more complex, determining the dynamics of transformation relations of production which, in turn, socio-economic context of its manifestation.
Social division of labor is one of the main forms which finds expression in the socialization of production and labor.

Ford made ​​history for its groundbreaking production line that it brought the concept of division of labor and the specialization. Every employee knew to do their piece of work in time and quality requirements but over time became the only piece that you knew to do.
With the computer revolution many people found themselves forced to respecializeze following the abolition of many posts. Also, once fired from a job chances of finding elsewhere in the same position that was specialized was very low.
Nowadays specialization, although considered at a higher level, it refers to the same thing: deepening or domain rather a smaller pieces as a field. In the context of the knowledge economy, change has acquired a permanent dimension, because every day there new things, new technologies, new ideas that you have to keep up. The changes taking place in a much faster and increasingly faster.
I think now the division of labor is a concept that should be replaced with complete man. Nowadays it's not enough to know very well your piece of art it is important to know them and the others. And not just the a general knowledge but also a practical one. And the most important attribute of man is to be fully informed. As a marketer you, engineer, doctor or hairdresser should know to send an email, to use google, to be aware of events taking place around you, first in its field and, second, to others.
I'm not saying everyone should know of all, we should all learn quantum physics, brain anatomy or physiology Marxist principles, but we should know where we can find.
Creativity is perhaps the most important asset you have, regardless of the field, because it leads to innovation, problem solving, evolving and adapting to changing times creativity is based mostly on joints unusual things known. How can you combine something if you have not you?

A man who knows how valuable is to manage, to change, to adapt. And although it seems a simple thing does not happen in reality. And I come across a lot of people who do not know a lot of things and live locked in absolute naivete, surrounded by questions that do not try to find answers, complaining then various things whose resolution lies only in their own hands which have not researched.

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