Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tibetan Mastiff force on top of the world

Tibetan Mastiff is a dog-monument, history and greatness. This breed  primitive was developed centuries ago in Tibet. Originally used to guard farms and animals, Tibetan can still be seen in this role, but also can be an excellent and loving companion dog. Tibetan Mastiff has a lot of qualities, but it is not a dog for everyone. We attract the respect and of passers by on the street, but if that's all you want from a dog, reconsider your decision on race.

Tibetan short

Those who came to know him and understand him affection love this dog, docility, patience and strength to understand. His experience in working with people for centuries made ​​him understand them in very sophisticated ways. It is a working dog, family protector, fearless and extremely loyal. Talia was huge it suitable for a guard dog, and hundreds of years of breeding in this respect have improved as reliable guard. No matter how attractive it seems so far, you must put in balance and its other qualities, which make it to be a challenge for some owners.

Tibetan Mastiff is an independent dog that does not always rely on the master for guidance. They enjoy the company of his, but he would not listen every time, especially in situations where it is convinced that he is right. Tibetan is not too stubborn and excels in obedience lessons.

These dogs are usually silent, provided you are not left alone outside at night. Any sound or movement will seem suspicious and when they bark, powerful and more. The solution would be to be called inside at dusk.

Raised with her ​​Tibetan Mastiff is tolerant and protective of children. However it is not recommended to families with small children. Screams and imbrancelile other children come to visit can be interpreted as a sign of aggression towards their tank, which obviously need to protect them.

Territorial side is well developed at Mastiff. Accept hardly strangers in his household, especially if the baby during socialization did not insist on this.

These dogs have strong instincts in terms of reading people. If a person has not liked at first, she will hardly ingratiate giant dog. Tibetan can not be walked without a leash, and the route you go through to be changed every day, otherwise the dog will become possessive of what he considered "walk my route."


Tibetan Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds of dogs and is considered to have formed the basis of the type Mastiff dog breeds such as Saint Bernard, Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Newfoundland. Like most ancient breeds, Tibetan has little documentation before the nineteenth century.

Chinese wrote about a dog and Tibetan stateliness, 1000 years ago BC Certainly it was a Tibetan ancestor. Dogs were called then, but now inside Tibet, Do-khyi in translation "dog tied" because vasnicii chain guards were tied on and let free only at night.

Foreign travelers often reminded in their writings about taxes and ferocious dogs, which were encouraged in their aggression by locals. It is said that villages were guarded by one dog was so powerful.

For centuries remained among dogs captured within Tibetan plateau and have grown naturally, without the intervention of any foreign genes. Their role was to guard the flocks unique, and thus households or monasteries have specialized in this task to complete.

Only in 1847, the first Tibetan Mastiff arrived in Britain Queen Victoria gift for the Viceroy of India, Lord Hardinge. In 1873 was founded the Club Canin English and our race was registered with the name we know today, leaving the title of big dog in Tibet.

Next were imported Tibetan Mastiff in Europe, working hard since the Tibetan population refuses to sell the dog, the only way to leave their native lands being in the form of gift. In 1931 was founded the first club of the breed. World War II brought to extinction of Tibetan population in Europe and in 1976, British breeders began to import again and resume the approval process. History in the US was similar in the UK.

Today it is difficult to find a pure Tibetan Mastiff in his country of origin. Occasionally these dogs can meet shepherds guarding their flocks or caravans and merchants


Were you convinced by now that Tibetan Mastiff is a giant dog needs to match. No oozes energy, but needs more space to unfold. It accommodates quickly to living indoors and even recommended to be kept in the house, especially at night when the outside turns into a machine to do noise. But house sitting is a must to have a large yard where the dog to be left open several hours a day.

What is Tibetan breeders strongly recommend fence yard or garden high fence cun (1.8-2 m). For too long the guardian instinct, the dog can go in pursuing any potential villain and many bad things in the presence of a Mastiff tintampla po free. Do not neglect this recommendation!

Walking, Tibetan always be kept on a leash. A daily walk of 30 minutes is sufficient.

Breed puppies grow rapidly until the age of 1 year and to prevent some orthopedic conditions it is better not to go in long walks or oblige to descend the stairs.

The key to a Mastiff is docile and understanding how early socialization. The children are very intelligent and learn quickly, but their independence and stubbornness do not work traditional methods of training.

Be patient, firm and consistent in order to get the most from your relationship with Tibetan. Focus on rewarding positive behavior and eliminate penalties or beatings.

The baby should be placed in front of experiences, places and different people as to increase self-confident and relaxed. Interacting with strangers is important because later do not become aggressive in their presence.

Both the young and adults need physical and mental stimulation, otherwise you may develop destructive behavior. Mastifii much fruit and jaws and teeth size can make significant damage. Training your dog to help keep his mind occupied, but in addition also needs more chew toys and objects.

Tibetans should be trained to accept small enclosure. Closed pen puppy will not eat in the house, even more will feel like this is the place here will retreat to be safe. The enclosure will not be used for punishment ever.

Tibetan Mastifii get along well with other pets, provided they have been bred small in their presence. I share the house with other dogs, but it is recommended that they all be large. Males tend to be territorial and possessive and agree heavier other males, but this varies from individual to individual.

This dog is sensitive to changes. Adora routine and you'd better mindful of it.

Health Care

Tibetans are dogs healthy and resistant to disease. However some disease may occur more frequently in the population of Tibetan Mastifii. As with any large breed, knee or hip dysplasia can occur. Thyroid diseases, the ear or skin have a higher incidence. Genetic disease, demyelinating neuropathy congenital occurs in dogs between 7 and 10 mastiff weeks, and is fatal. Unusual for a large dog, life expectancy is between 10 and 14 years. 
In conclusion it should be noted that the Tibetan mastiff is the most expensive breed of dog in the world. A superb copy of this breed was bought by a Chinese businessman with fabulous sum of 1 million pounds, nearly 1.5 million. Hong Dong is a male of 11 months, the color of fire, a perfect copy of his race. The Lord will recoup the investment in the right mount. Everyone wants a part of the genetic heritage of this dog will have to pay around $ 20,000.

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