Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lighthouse of Alexandria the 7th wonder of the ancient world

The seventh wonder of the ancient world was in Egypt. It is a tower on top of which a flame that burned sailors entering the port of Alexandria signal. It was built on the island of Faros, this name is the origin of the term far that designates such a construction.
Lighthouse of Alexandria was built during the reign of Ptolemy II, 285-246 BC, the designer Sostre. The legend, the subject of the action of sea Sostre different materials to see which is most resistant. Following the experience, the architect found that only the glass was not appealed.
As a result, the foundation of the monument was made ​​from a huge block of glass. The ancients, the lighthouse has a height of 272 m. The Arabs who conquered Egypt a millennium later, they reported that the ruins of the building reached 116 m.
Lighthouse of Alexandria mission fulfilled until the twelfth century. The building collapsed in 1302 when there was an earthquake. Although the fact that he has not been recognized where the monument once stood, his name has survived.
Lighthouse of Alexandria was built in the third century. BC in Egypt on the island of Pharos. The first time was just a symbol of the port, then became indicator for sailors.
The lighthouse has a height between 115 and 135 meters and has long been the largest building made ​​by man. Antipater of Sidon named among the seven wonders of the world.
History headlamp
Alexandria Shore was too dangerous for ships passed by, so was born the idea of building something that shows the right way to port.
In 290 BC King Ptolemy began the construction of the lighthouse, which was completed later on  his death by his son, Ptolemy Philadelphus.
The lighthouse was built after the design architect Sostratus Legend has it that King Ptolemy would have banned Sostratus to put his name on the building, but Sostratus wrote on headlamp I Sostratus Dexiphanes son of Chinidai, this work provides Navigators Gods and people who journey the seas. In Greek :
Description headlamp
It was built of white marble blocks Uris and have three separate levels. Headlamp have a square base and was 55.9 m high. In the middle section of the lighthouse was an octagonal shape, was hollow and have a height of 30 meters. From inside came out flames that never dies, illuminating both night and day and making visible the way to the port. Top of having a circular shape and was 7 meters high. It was said that flame See 50 km away.Above the lighthouse was a statue. It is uncertain whether it was the statue of Poseidon or Zeus.
Breaking down the lighthouse
The 956 en an earthquake shook the lighthouse, but did great damage. Then in 1303 and 1323 two major earthquakes destroyed the lighthouse. In 1480 the Mamluk Qaitbay made ​​a fortress lighthouse place using structures remaining stones.In 1994 near the city of Alexandria divers found some great lighthouse ruins. Valuable information about the lighthouse wrote an Arab traveler Abou-Haggag Al-Andaloussi. After the description given of it, we can imagimăm headlamp appearance.

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