Thursday, February 26, 2015

Norwegian Forest cat

Norwegian forest cat is a large, rich and precious fur and, contrary to appearances, with a gentle and loving personality. It is one of the oldest breeds of cats, appearing and evolving in the cold lands of northern Europe.


Norwegian breed was formed naturally and has been in Scandinavia since ancient times.
Proof of Viking mythology are numerous representations in popular culture and appreciation of Norwegian. In some stories talking about Skogkatt a sturdy cat, as if a miniature lynx. Skogkatt is the name used today in Norway to describe this breed, and means forest cat.

Norwegian cat evolved from short-haired domestic cats were spread throughout Europe by the Romans. Under the influence of cold and harsh climate of Scandinavia cats have turned into some domestic feline robust, muscular and with a rich, protective gown. Only the most vigorous specimens survived.

Along with a strong people was formed as a cat. These cats have accompanied the Viking ships in their cavalcade by the North Sea, with the role disinfestation. Then they left the forest and adventure Norvegienele and became farm cats. Hunters, with sharp senses and less demanding cats were highly appreciated by farmers.

It was not until 1930, Norwegian attracted the interest of lovers and breeders of cats. Since the purity of the breed was threatened by crossbreeding with other house cats with short hair, has started a breeding program. In 1934 the first Norwegian Forest cat breed club into being, and in 1938 the first certified copy was presented in an exhibition in Oslo.

But the historical context was not favorable Norwegian. The outbreak of the Second World War interrupted the work of dedicated breeders and breed brought to the brink of extinction.

After the war program homogenization of race resumed, and in the 70 standard could be drawn first. In 1977 the breed was officially recognized by the International Federation of cats, and in 1979 the first copy arrived in the US, a country where the breed was officially recognized only in 1994. King Olaf said Norwegian Forest cat breed country's official expansion and thus began the race worldwide.

Today the breed is very popular in the Nordic countries and France, but is well-known in the rest of Europe or America.

Although closely resembles Maine Coon, differences between the two races visible. Norwegian Forest cat is heavier than a normal cat but not exceeds American counterpart. Females weigh on average 5.5 kg, but males reach larger (6-9 kg).

Norvegiencei body is long, solid and sturdy, but does not lack elegance. Hind legs are long and muscular. The head fits into an equilateral triangle. The ears are rounded at the tips, but wide at the base, continuing the line cheeks. The eyes are large, of any color, slightly sharp . Profile is right.

Fur is one of the strengths of the breed. It is thick and consists of two layers of delicate hair. Below is thick and woolly hair, which is covered by a wire d EPAR longer and shiny water repellent role. Around neck collar forms a bulky, like the mane of a lion. The ears are well feathered, and the peaks is desirable to present the type lynx tufts. The paws are also rich in tufts of hair, with a role in protection against ice and snow.

We accept any color, from white to black, monochrome or pen. However, the most common and most popular pattern is tigratul interspersed with areas / white spots.


Norwegian Forest cat is a cat friendly, balanced and self-possessed. Sympathy, it attaches much family, not discrimination, she loves all the members as much. It feels great around people or other animals, toleraza children of all ages.

Not noisy, but prefer to make understood through body language. Instead, the torso is strong.

Do not expect to sit on your lap for hours. In fact, prefer to sit next to you, to feel close to but does not want to interfere. Caresses are permitted only when she thinks fit.

It is an athletic cat who climb easily everywhere, thanks to strong claws. Therefore, it is recommended that you make available a tree climbing as high. It feels at ease at court, where they have enough space to play, but fail to adapt and apartment life.

This race reaches final maturity later , even so will never cease to act like a child. It is cheerful and playful, offering good mood owners.

Because native intelligence and curiosity, Norwegian learn quickly. It can be trained to walk on a leash, to fetch or all sorts of funny tricks. He likes to have fun and find all sorts of ingenious ways to feel good.


It is interesting how a semi-long haired cat and rich needs minimal care outside periods of shedding coat. It is enough brushing a week.

Things change radically spring when shedding is massive. You will need to brush daily with thick brush with metal teeth. Norwegian summer will look completely different from how you knew. The coat looks normal, simple, only the collar and ear tufts on top of the cat remember that winter.

Norwegian forest cat is healthy and endurance. However, polycystic kidney syndrome has a high incidence in specimens of this breed.

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