Monday, February 2, 2015

Planetary Aspects

In astrology, planetary aspects occupies the central place in the development and analysis astrological chart, they are defining modeling that determine through the combination and interaction-specific inflows astral planets the nature and destiny of the human being. Together with the other elements of a chart, planetary aspects can help us find particularly valuable elements that can contribute the most if applied with consistency and perseverance to improve and harmonize our entire lives by providing us also real keys helpful  in our spiritual evolution.
A planetary aspect or relationship is a certain amount of angular distance between two planets, which puts them in a particular relationship.
Some of these aspects are stronger than others, meaning that the relationship between the individual planets will influence more strongly than others. Such strong points are called major, other, more subtle are called minor issues.
In principle, a chart will appear only on major issues, but it is very useful to do and calculate the other points because their globality shape mentally and behaviorally complete picture of the individual.
Issues are classified not only by their intensity, but also by how the individual influences: no beneficial aspects and dynamic aspects in which the two planetary energies are directed in opposite directions - Complementary - marking field in which the individual must submit an effort meant to achieve balance and harmony.
You should not consider issues as fixed values ​​of the distances between the two planets. We can imagine two planets as two race cars, each moving at its own speed. When a car approaches the other, it will be heard from a certain distance before it gets on it and will be heard and after overcoming some time will be produced. Same planets will feel mutually influence in a certain angular range before and after the adoption of a precise position. This margin of tolerance in which the issue remains valid is called blind of that aspect and is the number of degrees more or less, to the planets they feel each other influence, that remain engaged in that aspect.
It is necessary to note that a person must have in horoscopes and dynamic aspects to evolve. Otherwise, only the beneficial aspects - alone  can lead to a state of passivity of the individual indulging in it easily solve all tasks arising in its path. Lack of certain major aspects of the chart, affects the individual as follows:Lack of conjunctions bring difficulties in realization of projects, trends and issues dispersing defining goals;Lack sextilelor brings difficulties in speech, in affirming mental capacity and communication. They will not necessarily be developed!
Lack squares denote the difficulty of recognition own problems, difficulty to understand what the individual has done in this existence. He will have to create their own challenges to evolve. A square gives a strong internal motivation to act;
Lack trines bring any action need extra effort. The individual will have to balance relations with others and be creative;
Denotes no difficulty in observing exact oppositions of reality; individual is very subjective and has no sense of reality, having difficulty is understood and understand others.
The natal chart neaspetate planets may exist. They have a special significance and will be presented in one of the future articles.

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