Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wild Animals on Earth disappeared in the last 40 years

Human activities have caused extinction in 40 years, over 50% of wild animals on the planet, says the report "Living Planet" prepared by the NGO World Wide Fund for Nature WWF, which sounds the alarm about overexploited resources of the Earth quotes Tuesday.
The various forms of life are both matrix ecosystem that permit life to exist on Earth and barometer that shows the effects they have on the planet said Director General of WWF, Marco Lambertini.

If we are disinterested in their fate we danger moving towards its own extinction, he added.Between 1970 and 2010, the live Planet key which measures changes in the population of 10,380 in 3038 living species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish fell by 52%.

This worrying trend show no sign of slow down, said the authors of the 10th edition of the WWF report, which considers that it is still possible for people to act to reverse this decline and to combine development with environmental protection environment.

The most affected areas are Latin America (83%) and Asia-Pacific and freshwater species have paid the highest tribute (76%), while the number of specimens of marine and terrestrial species declined by 39% .

Announced 52% decrease is more severe than in previous reports because of changes in the calculation, which proposes a more accurate representation of the global distribution of vertebrate species, says WWF, an organization specializing in the protection of endangered species.

In its previous biennial report, dating from 2012, the WWF was talking about a 28% decrease in live species between 1970 and 2008. The index covers the time just 2,699 species.

The reasons for this decline are: the disappearance and degradation excessive hunting and fishing and global warming.

Thus, many coastal fish and animals have disappeared from the Coorong, an area in southern Australia, where the acquisition for its use of fresh water for irrigation has led to increased salinity.

In Africa, elephants area in 1984 represented only 7% of the history of this wild animal. In addition, the territorial part because of poaching, the number of elephants has decreased by 60% between 2002 and 2011.

People exploit Earth, consuming more natural resources than the Earth can you replace them: eat more fish than the number of those who are born, emit more CO2 than forests and oceans can absorb.

Today, we want regenerative ability of the Earth and a half to environmental services has the advantage that every year,said WWF.

And biocapacity - the area available to provide these goods and services - does not cease to fall, because the global population explosion.

Between 1961 and 2010, the population grew from 3.1 billion to almost 7 billion people, and biocapacity available per capita fell from 3.2 to 1.7 global hectares.
The world population should reach 9.6 billion in 2050 and 11 billion in 2011 and biocapacity available to each of us will continue to decline in a world marked by soil degradation, scarcity of freshwater and increasing energy costs.

Who belongs to blame? Richest countries globally are those whose per capita ecological footprints are the highest.

In 2010, Kuwait ranks first, followed by Qatar, UAE, Denmark, Belgium, Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore, the US, Bahrain and Sweden.

France ranks 23rd and the second smallest is China, which ranks first in terms of total footprint, outpacing the United States and India.

Using funds and environmental service in high-income countries is five times higher per capita in comparison to low-income countries and therefore to maintain their standard of living, rich countries have used the widely biocapacity other countries.

If everyone on Earth would live as citizens of Qatar, it would need 4.8 planets like Earth. We would need 3.9 planets if we were all Americans and 1.4 planets if we all South Africans.

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