Thursday, January 29, 2015

History of Coffee

Most of the things that surround us have a legend on their origin. Legend of the origin coffee is linked to Kaldi, a goat herder who lived in Ethiopia after more than 1,000 years. He noticed strange behavior of goats after they ate the coffee bushes. Even old goats frolicked energetic. Kaldi told the story of monks, and they get a drink of coffee beans to help them stay awake all night. The drink became known as kahweh Arab term for refreshing.
Beyond the legend, led to the discovery of coffee cultivation to commercial, which is mentioned for the first time in the XVth century in Ethiopia, where coffee grows wild.
Coffee consumption has spread to Yemen, Egypt, Syria and Turkey. The coffee was known as Arabian wine, apparently because Muslims were not allowed to drink wine used as a coffee substitute due to its stimulating effect. The habit of drinking coffee spread rapidly and in 1615 the first shipment arrived in Venice by sea from Turkey. In the 17th century, there were many cafes in Europe. UK and other European countries, the coffee was taken in Virginia America.
According to researchers, it seems that the origins of coffee are in a region located between the horn of Africa, Ethiopia and Arabia Felix  Yemen.Known since antiquity, coffee is the fruit of a tree, coffee and Ethiopia is considered its cradle. The coffee grows in tropical and subtropical regions, in an area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn and produces small flowers that give off a subtle fragrance of iasmin.To produce one pound of roasted coffee beans are needed four thousand. Food is so delicate and demanding in terms of preparation.
The origin of coffee, Legends and Traditions Religion
Coffee-related stories are numerous. However one should mention two of the most interesting:
The most famous legend told in one of the Arabian Nights is attributed to Kaldi, a goatherd, or rather his flock. It is said that this goatherd always took her flock to pasture near a monastery, in a mountainous area. To his amazement, whenever goats fed popcorn red shrub unknown, they behaved very strange shake and jump on all sides. Believing is the hand of the devil, corporal decided to gather the fruits of this plant mysterious and bring the old monastery monk Yahia. The monks are convinced that they possess any power mountain bush burned them away evil fruit. But this divine scent emanated burning. Intrigued by this miraculous perfume, monks have prepared an infusion with the remaining powder which was considered a godsend because it allowed them to extend their hours of meditation.
In the seventh century our era, in Arabia, Prophet Muhammad announced a new religion: Islam. Tradition says that one day while he was suffering, the angel Gabriel sent by Allah, offered him a drink black to cheer. After drinking liquor, Muhammad reinsanatoşit and has rediscovered the power he had when he was young. He called this drink qah'wa term means in Arabic coffee today.From East In the West, coffee ascent formidable knowledge.
In the sixteenth century Europeans discovered the coffee because the Ottomans. The latter, from their expedition to Egypt in 1517, turned it into a delight greatly appreciated by the Sublime Porte, Istanbul, the capital on the Ottoman domain. Its success was immediate since 1615, coffee was widespread throughout Europe.
Without doubt, liquor was most appreciated at first in Venice, where trade was the most prosperous East and therefore the most widespread consumption. It was present in court Sun King where black water, gift from Ambassador Soliman Aga, has made ​​official entry in 1669.
Its success has led some to ask excommunication Italian monks, believing that it can only be the devil River. Pope Clement VIII 1592-1605 even proposed to be baptized in order to transform it into a true Christian drink.
From legend to history, there is only a dummy coffee recognized and highly appreciated. After tea and then as cocoa, coffee and she begins to conquer titles of nobility.
The first cafe
The first occurred in Mecca cafes, where black water was originally a religious purpose. Gradually became the source of openness to others for meetings, chess and backgammon or political discussions. Since the sixteenth century cafes began to emerge in most European cities.
Coffee today
As for use, many of us drink coffee, from North to South, from East to West, from morning to night. There are many methods of preparing it and drink it.
Coffee culture
Coffee Culture is within a geographical area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. There are two dominant types of coffee: Arabica coffee and coffee canephorus, commonly called robust arabica respectively.The annual output is about 75% arabica and 25% robusta.
Coffea canephora - known as robusta was first discovered in the early 19th century in Zaire, Congo Basin and has about 50 species of which only five are edible.The plant grows wild in almost all African rainforest. Fruits round, have a maturity period that can reach 11 months.Robusta coffee provides a rich in caffeine and has a strong taste and flavored.
Arabica originated in Ethiopia, the cradle of coffee culture and are 200 species that are cultivated at altitudes ranging between 600 and 2000 meters high plateaus acidity. In their natural tree can reach up to 5-6 meters high but to facilitate crop is cut to a height of 3 meters. It is monogamous each plant is autofertilizează. Many varieties have arisen either by adapting to different soils or through hybridization. Among them we can mention: Moka fruity taste, Bourbon appeared in Maurice Islands, Maragogype or typical.Arabica coffee is appreciated thanks to its aromatic taste and finesse.
In the eighteenth century, the famous drink was considered a luxury. Although nowadays no longer the case, the coffee retains all its nobility.Development of consumption is introduced in the context of raising its taste, nutrition and welfare.

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