Saturday, January 24, 2015

Scientists have discovered the oldest traces of life on Earth

Scientists have discovered the oldest cells on Earth, which confirm the existence of life about 3.4 billion years ago.
If you go to the distant past, we can see that life could exist on the planet. However, the conditions for its normal development were not wealthy. According to the latest analysis, which is conducted with the rock, life on our planet, there are at least 3.5 billion years old. However, the physical curing this theory, namely so old fossilized cells is difficult to detect.
In the 80s of XX century, scientists have found similar cells in the rocks Apex Chert. They then also given the age of 3.5 billion years. However, later it turned out that it was just a fad of geology and its processes, but not like cells.

Not so long ago paleobiologist Oxford, Martin Brazier and his colleagues were able to detect very similar to finding fossilized cells in the rocks Strelley Pool, which are located in the western part of Australia. In ancient times these lands washed the ocean. The journal Nature Geoscience detailed in his article about the discovery.

Most likely, this discovery has finally put an end to the dispute about the existence of early life on Earth, - common his view Martin. The work and size of the fossils is very similar to the normal bacterial colony. The cells of the walls the same thickness on all sides, and it is typical for organic formations. It is worth noting that the discovery is poor hydrocarbon-13, which is complete in the atmosphere, but it is rarely present in the composition of living organisms. They prefer more hydrocarbon-12 isotope.

Scientists have been able to prove the organic origin of these fossils on so many reliable, as it allows you to modern technology, Emanuel announced Zhuve, paleobiologist. on the other hand, in the future there is a opportunity that they can not prove the biological origin of the data remains. Only time will search the truth, - she said.

It is worth noting that at the walls fossils, scientists were able to find iron sulfide. Usually an element inherent in modern bacteria. These bacteria are characterized by the fact that they live at the expense of processing substances rich in sulfur. This reaction is more commonly known as a method of energy that does not require oxygen. Most likely, there were also discovered ancient organisms.

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