Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mummification invention have been linked to climate

Archaeologists have linked the invention of mummification in ancient South American culture Chinchorro with the onset of the temporary wet period in the climate of the Atacama. The work is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Hunters and gatherers Chinchorro mummies lived about 10 thousand years ago in the Atacama Desert, in the territory of modern Chile and Peru. Around 7,000 years ago, they invented the world's first artificial mummification, but the causes of this practice, archaeologists are still not clear. The fact that the emergence of complex cults usually occurs in complex farming communities, communities and the number of collectors Chinchorro on average no more than a hundred people.

Archaeologists suggest that the occurrence of mummification is associated with the changes in the climate of the Atacama desert, which took place over the last ten thousand years.
The researchers took samples of ice from the snow cap mountains nearby Sajama and conducted studies of its isotopic composition. On the basis of data on the ratio of oxygen isotopes, scientists have shown that about 7000 years ago in the Atacama came relatively wet period, which lasted about 3 thousand years. According to scientists, this time in the desert could support a much larger population than before and after this period. Archaeologists have confirmed their hypothesis, revealing a surge of population in those years thanks to radiocarbon analysis garbage heaps Chinchorro.
According to scientists, even during the wet period of the Atacama remained very dry place. Because of this, people buried body did not decompose, and were natural mummification and accumulate close to the parks. Together with a sharp increase in the population is, according to the calculations of archaeologists made a desert full of dead bodies. Chinchorro people constantly had to deal with them, that, according to the scientists, led to the emergence of the cult of the dead, ignited in the manufacture of mummies.
Chinchorro mummies were made by removing the deceased all soft tissue and replacing them with clay. Body was then placed on the skin and on the face - a clay mask, often with an open mouth. Head adorned wig and skin often stained with red paint. Around 4,500 years ago, the production of mummies virtually ceased. For the first time they have discovered in 1914 by archaeologist Max Uhle.

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