Monday, January 5, 2015

Discovered an ancient tomb of the unknown queen

Burial refers to the period of the Old Kingdom of the third millennium BC.

Czech archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb in Egypt previously unknown queen of the Fifth Dynasty. The tomb, whose age exceeds 4 greatly thousands of years, has been found in the Abu Cyr necropolis southwest of Cairo. Presumably, a noble woman was the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre or mother of Pharaoh Menkaure.

The name of the queen was previously unknown. Vystu paya with soobsch eniem o podtver divsheysya nahodke, ministr drevnostey and naslediya Egipta El Mamduh-Damati soobschil, chto on vnutrenney stene usypalnitsy udalos obnaruzhit nadpis with oboznacheniem imeni tsaritsy. Scientists have identified it as Kentakvess third.

This finding will help us shed light on history Fifth Dynasty, which was held during construction of the first pyramids - said El Dalmati.

According to estimates of the Egyptian Minister and Czech scientists discovered a complex burial structures era of the Fifth Dynasty tomb Kentakvess refers to the period 2994-2345 years BC. In the Queen's Chamber was found about 30 utensils of copper and limestone.

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