Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Arch in mythology

In classical mythology, spring, considered an invention of Croteau, is the attribute of many deities. Can be met in many iconographic evidence as part of the equipment of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and his correspondence Latin, Diana. Arc bears often Orion, Chiron and the Centaurs, and many heroes, including Heracles especially. After the disappearance of the hero, his bow was entrusted to Philoctetes. But since he could not follow the Greek army at Troy, stopping at Lemnos because of terrible injuries, the results of the siege of Troy have been compromised. In fact, according to prophecy, only use weapons in combat of Heracles ensure victory Achaeans. As such, bringing Philoctetes to Troy will be a prerequisite for the success of the test.

In the Homeric poems, Apollo is often called the arrow sending left, referring to his duck and arrows, frequently accompanying iconography.
Another Argirotoxos his epithet of the silver bow. His bow was attributed, among other things, the power to spread plague and pestilence, as the one who broke into the Greek camp during the siege of Troy: Apollo mini on top of Olympus went downhill  Bow and quiver on shoulder having virtues capacity.  Long zuruiran arrows quiver them back when god  furious start, ghost-like the night  stet away from the camp, and then let go of the arrow.  Terrible was the bright silver spring Zingan .As a god who punishes, Apollo often send their arrows, which are given sudden deaths.

A fundamental role lies with bow and arrows in the final scenes of Homeric Odyssey, where Odysseus kills candidates using the spring which once belonged and that only he was able to flex one: And Ulysses The skillful, As soon as he put his hand  high arc everywhere eyes studied him. And as a worthy master  understanding of song and lute  On a new gag easily stretch rope From Morning twisted sheep -ntocmai So curb and he netrudnic bow, With his right he caught and tried rope And it sounds nice as singing The swallow .In the episode that marks the race with a bow at the height of tension accumulated after his return to Ithaca, Odysseus is the only one who succeeds, still dressed like a beggar trying to overcome imposed by Penelope to choose, finally, one of the contenders: none of them fails that bend the bow of Ulysses, while it is able, even after so many years, to make a feat which was once famous, namely to move the arrow through twelve ax rings stuck into the ground side by another as evidence of extraordinary sights, and an inexhaustible vigor. The same arrows that Odysseus once for recreational use them now celebrate aristocratic hero revenge, killing him on his enemies.

Arch is a frightening weapon that is in the hands of more powerful and brave heroes, but also in those of the god of love, Cupid, who with his arrows, do to escape the spark of love. Lisip, official court sculptor of Alexander the Great, a beautiful carved statue of Eros bend the bow. The god-child quiver were two arrows, one able to awaken, and the other to reject love. The first tip is gold and has sharp and bright; the second is the top lead is broken. Send to a pair arrows, cupid get explosive effects, such as where the myth of Apollo and Daphne Ovid, Metamorphoses, 1468 et seq. Ovid tells how Apollo, once seen as Cupid laid his bowstring. "What on you, lively child, stroll with speed guns? -take said; such tasks are due to fall on our shoulders. Venus son replied: Can everyone who aim your bow, Phoebus, but my're targeting you .Metamorphosis, 1455 et seq.

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