Sunday, January 25, 2015

All types of Tarot

Traditional Tarot 
There are major traditions of the Tarot. First - it Marseilles Tarot  Deck with a specific historical iconography of the Major Arcana and the blind Minor Arcana.However, the practice of Marseilles tradition here are certain geometric patterns numerological conformity decipher the symbolism of color, etc. There are variations of this tradition, recognizable by numbered cards and a certain order and names of the high cards.
Independently there is already a historical Etteilla deck, the first professional of tarot readers, the author created his system - she did not give descendants.

The next and most prolific tradition - Waite deck and its clones. This is the most popular and rastprostranennaya system to date. Waite, a follower of the Order of the Golden Dawn used the achievements of his comrades and for the first time released a deck with scenic Jr. cards. Deck of this tradition known by a certain order of the Major Arcana and the characteristic scenes of the Minor Arcana.
The third important modern tradition Thoth deck authorship A. Crowley and artist Frida Harris and her descendants, as well as the deck, experienced the strong influence it. It is recognizable by the characteristic order of the Major Arcana and their names, and in addition to the symbolic, but not scenic pictures low cards.
There are also serious copyrights deck, do not belong to the above traditions. This unique tarot Secret Forest jacketed almost identical facial image map. Or Tarot Elements, based on astrological and numerological extremely appropriate.
Deck oracles contain any number of cards from 16 to 80. I know these are not the structure of the deck of Tarot that is not divided into senior and junior Arcana, suits and court cards. The main difference between most of the oracles - the immediacy of their symbolic language. Semantic structure of the oracles of XIX - early XX century is often subordinated interpretations borrowed from Gypsy cards: girl, boyfriend, letter, bouquet, danger, etc. Oracles last quarter of XX - the beginning of this century, more is psychological, they often focus on associative recognizable image more than more or less perceivable symbol; they require a much more intuitive operation.
The most famous oracles now - Mademoiselle Lenormand deck. In this tradition, there are several decks of cards with different amounts of the so-called Big and Small Gypsy, and in addition Astromifologicheskaya deck and Flower Lenormand oracle. None of these decks are not the author of the famous Parisian fortune teller. Some of them have been reconstructed Erna Drusbeke in the second half of the XX century. Gypsy deck contain images of playing cards, plus a graphical representation of its conditional value. Astromifologicheskoy card deck contains several semantic fields: mythological scenes, playing cards, constellation, letter of the alphabet, two genre scenes and the plant has its own special meaning. Each of these fields can be decrypted to its special way. In Russian was a book by Anna Kotelnikova, researchers and practitioners tarot and oracles devoted Lenormand decks.
Non-structural oracles there are countless. This set of  mediumship decks, such as maps of the soul , this archetypal numerous oracles - Archetypal card, Oracle Goddesses , Knowledge Maps Goddess and others. This image of an arbitrary set of images from other symbolic systems: these are the oracles of minerals, Celtic tree or  totem animals, flower oracles. The most successful seem to me archetypal oracles. The initial absence of a final and specify the number of images makes this system as free as it is strong for people who are close to the archetypal psychology.
Original structural oracles not so much. Most of the authors is a simple way and in a graph or picturesquely depicts something related to a symbolic system. So there were card runes, card of zodiac signs and planets and others. on the other hand, there are truly exclusive and developed by the author of the oracles. This, for example, the Lunar oracle Caroline Smith and John Astrop. Its structure is subject to the lunar astrology and consists of archetypes goddesses, lunar mansions and the phases of the moon in each of the four elements. One of the few famous oracle in which the astrological component allows you to orient the original query and the result in time.
Tarot deck, like the oracles
Nowadays, there are tarot deck, only nominally related to its symbolic structure. As such can be considered as a deck with a weak weight relative to other major arcana cards, a deck with a vague division degrees in court cards, a deck with an obvious lack of development of the principle in the junior suit arcana. Most imitations in the tradition of the Waite can happily avoid. However, there are unbalanced with the deck, although the stated structure Taro, and thus is working well. The most familiar to me are the deck Medieval Scapini Tarot deck and the Decameron. Practice working with them it seems to me like a joint process of dialogue with the tarot and oracles. Major Arcana is usually read in the tradition of the Tarot.
The court cards - also usually they are still just face cards by certain symbols roles or masks. Younger same arcane read mostly under the deck itself, often beyond the customary suits of the Tarot and familiar values. In this case, it makes sense to follow it for a pack instead of the matrix of the Tarot.
In general, we can conclude that the Tarot deck and oracles are of equal value and meaning to use.
Tarot deck are good in the vision of the spiritual development of man, the way of individuation, the individual mythological subject, as well as the meaning of all this in the existing environment and the world in general.
Oracles - often focused on specific practical answers, in our time, depending on the thematic focus of the deck.
Divination Tarot - the oldest and most popular in Europe card system. Until now, many serious students of this art continues to endless arguments about where and when they first appeared Tarot deck in its traditional form now .
In recent decades, the world is manifested phenomenal interest in predictive Tarot. Tarot cards used to play for fun, to readings at meetings or in small private groups. For collectors of tarot cards are of great interest, attracting the rich colors and interesting artistic solutions. There are over a hundred varieties of Tarot from classical and Egyptian Tarot de Marseille decks drawn up by Salvador Dali.
Tarot By turning teenagers and college students, housewives, businessmen, professsionaly, collectors - in fact, people of all categories. Teenagers to join the party Tarot. Adults attend lunches Tarot, benefit performances, and even picnics, which arrange lectures on the Tarot.
In miniatures Tarot is something irresistibly attractive. How about this says Cavendish, one of the greatest contemporary British researchers Tarot open the gates to a world where seemingly untrue, where nothing can not be fully understood. Sun-lit medieval landscape, in which both amazing toys move tiny figures - Jester in the bell with bells, the King and Queen with a brilliant retinue, Death, busy with their harvest, Hermit with his staff and the lamps .

The following table maps are sorted by type. This division is quite conditional - the same deck can simultaneously be in several sections.

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