Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Culture in the world has created not man

How in the world has its first picture? It would seem to answer this question  simply nowhere! In the picture in the history books depicted dressed in animal skins savage malyuyuschy on the walls of his cave hunting scenes. However, recent archaeological studies show that ancient artists could appear long before human civilization 

For a long time it was thought that the first-ever pictures were created 100 thousand years ago the inhabitants of South Africa. Incidentally, last year, archaeologist Dean Snow from the University of Pennsylvania made the discovery that the world's first artists were still women, but not men.

Having studied the handprints left on the walls of the eight caves in France and Spain, where the preserved samples of cave paintings, which from 12 to 40 thousand years, the researchers found that three-quarters of them belong to the fair sex.

Previously it was assumed that most of the authors of the ancient images were men, since the figures were mainly depicted scenes of hunting and game. But who said that women might not have to do with it and could not participate in this activity?

Indeed, in most communities of hunters and gatherers animals are killed men says Snow. But it is women who usually drag the meat to camp. In addition, they are not less than men are interested in the success of the hunt. 

But soon the researchers waited another sensation regarding the birth of the arts. For a long time it was stated that the first in the world to create works of art could only be a man and not a representative of any other species of hominids.

Indeed, near the remains of Neanderthal man have not found even beads .But not so long ago in a cave in Gibraltar was discovered drawing, definitely made the Neanderthal hand.

No less surprising results given and digs in the bowels of museums. The fact that the museum sanctuaries stored finds made for decades, but it is not subjected to thorough investigation.

For example, in 1930 in Leiden Museum in Holland with a distant island of Java were brought, it would seem, the most common shells. Paleontological finds lying next to the bones of Homo erectus. A careful study on the shells was discovered primitive ornament, most resembles a regular zigzag.

The discovery was made, as well as many others like him, quite by accident, when biologists decided to find out how to use the earlier marine resources in the region. All man-made shells arranged holes with a diameter just a few millimeters. Scientists have determined that Homo erectus used for opening the shells shark teeth. It is interesting that they all belong exclusively freshwater mussels, suggesting tastes and our old neighbor unjustly forgotten.

Ornament is visible only from a certain angle and a few grooves, each measuring about 1 centimeter. In some cases, the pattern is not visible at all, and it can only be felt by touching the surface of the shell language there is no gap proves that the author tried very hard in the performance of a simple image. Remains a mystery, with which purpose it is applied to the surface of the shells.

The nature of the image and style of drawing suggests that, most likely, we have an ancient amulet. Although the evidence of this yet .

Perhaps today it is the oldest known patterns, the author who lived about half a million years ago. It does not fit with the notion of precursors Nomo Sapiens as a blunt primitive subjects, completely devoid of course, aesthetic flair.

Professor Nick Barton of Oxford, who has studied artifacts, commented: This is truly an amazing discovery that can revolutionize our understanding of the first representatives of the genus Homo.

Find and really became a sensation. After the first Homo erectus, which is traditionally considered as distant ancestors of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens appeared on Earth as much as two million years ago. It is assumed that this kind of disappeared from the face of the planet about 140 thousand years ago.

And, as it turned out now, everything is quite a long time of its existence, Homo erectus not only hunt and gather roots to elementary survive, but they do!

It turns out that a Homo erectus were much more spiritual and intellectual development than previously thought, or we give thrust to the culture of excessive importance in determining the level of creatures. Perhaps the desire to make art is just one of our basic instincts.

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