Saturday, February 21, 2015

What is actually Yeti Snow Man

It is a mystery that has fascinated scientists ever: who is actually Yeti - creature that looks like a monkey and that seems to haunt the Himalayas?

Last year, a man science theory claimed that the Yeti is a distant relative of polar bears who disappeared 40,000 years ago. But some recent DNA tests come to contradict this theory.

The first test was conducted by Bryan Skyes, professor of genetics at Oxford University. Samples were two hairs, one found in the Himalayan region of Ladakh West and another discovered in Bhutan. The results were then compared with the genes of many species of animals, from the GenBank database.

The Skyes said that hair belongs to a species of prehistoric polar bear fossil is found in a copy of Svalbard, Norway. Fossil has existed for 40,000 to 120,000 years.

Therefore, according to Skyes, the animal from which the hair is a hybrid polar bear and brown bear, which is a closely related species.

Skyes's theory, however, is disputed by other researchers who alleges an error in the data analysis.

Ross Barnett of the University of Copenhagen and Ceiridwen Edwards from Oxford University have analyzed these hairs and say that hair belongs to a Himalayan bear , which is a subspecies of brown bear and lives on high mountain plateaus, such as those in Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet and India. This bear is very rare.

Professor Skyes admitted their mistake, but states that it is essential that these hairs do not belong to any unknown primate, as claimed by those who believe in the existence of Yeti.

The presence of the Snow Man, also called Yeti, was cited for hundreds of years in the Himalayas, many hikers and locals saying they saw a hairy creature that looked like a monkey.

Reinhold Messner, the first mountaineer to clamber Everest without supplemental oxygen, studying this creature would be met in 1986.

He found a Tibetan manuscript of 300 years ago, who writes about the Yeti, which presents him as a species of bear, exactly as claimed and the two researchers.

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