Saturday, February 21, 2015

Parapsychological phenomena study

Parapsychology deals with the study of phenomena that can’t be explained naturally, scientific, being outside normal sensory channels.
Shortly after the appearance of spiritualism, his followers concluded that paranormal phenomena occur only in the presence of certain people.
These people are considered to be in possession of some special facilitators were called medium and facilitate concerned - mediumship. After theories in force, 90% of force manifestation is taken from the medium and only 10% of the workers. In 1926, French physiologist Charles Richet wrote a paper titled Patterns of Metapsychique, propose a more scientific way, that of Metaphysics. A Term not won today the preferred term parapsychology, psychology with meaning outside the agreed rules. Medium term remained the exclusive use of the spiritualist. In paranormal category includes a large number of very different phenomena. That is why they tried their classification. A first classification we find the Papus, according to which mediumship can be passive or active. In the first case, the person is the passive  instrument of the entity, and in the second case, which by itself is will to decide on the act paranormal. In parapsychology are studying a series of phenomena once considered miracles, but in reality is based on very precise laws of nature. Here are just a few :
Autoscope -  view from inside his own body organs or other persons.
Contributions - bringing instant of objects from a distance.
Bioenergy (Wonderworker) - healing touch, insufflations or telepathic energy emissions.
Clairvoyance -  the ability to see without the sense organs of scenes that occur far away or in other planes of existence.
Clairaudience -  opportunity to hear without the sense organs of scenes that occur far away or in other planes of existence, plus hearing mysterious voices.
Dematerialisation - passing objects by material obstacles (walls, doors, etc.)
Levitation - lifting into the air by defeating gravity force.
Materialization - creating the octoplasma of entities.
Psychometry - description of people and elements of their past or the future by simply touching the objects that belonged to them.
Premonition - prediction (predict) the future.
Parakinezia - moving objects with a slightly heavy physical contact.
Divining (rabdomagia) - moving with a rod of some water wells or underground ore deposits.
Salamandra - walking on embers, fire resistance.
Telepathy - transmission and reception of thoughts or mental images from a distance without the use of known channels.
Telekinesis - the movement of physical objects without contact, just by the power of thought.
Transfiguring - transfiguration.
Faciltatile paranormal is hereditary and transferable. A man bears with them and die with them. They show up early and reach puberty. Initially, a medium is universal. Later, he specializes. But faciltatile paranormal may occur later in the trigger action of internal or external factors, or because of special practices.
Light physical and spiritual light
One of the biggest mysteries of the world is light. Space and time derive their properties from the constant speed of light and, moreover, are interrelated. Einstein postulated one fixed reality: that of light. Arthur Stanley said in his book  The nature of the physical world: In the physical world we assist to a game of shadows representing our contemporary drama. The shadow of my elbow rests on the table and shadow shadow ink cover paper. All these are symbolic, and they let this character physicist. Then comes the spiritual alchemist who transmutes these symbols . To conclude a categorical support, the world is a mental substance (sn). And James Jeans says Mysterious Universe : Modern thinking tends increasingly to more nonmechanical reality, the universe appears more like a thought than like a huge giant machine. In this view, the universe has an environment relative material and mental - which some have called an illusion. Such a conception leads to an explanation of psychic phenomena, being designed with contemporary yogis insider’s view.Cinema virtual performs wonders that can be materialized saints all light rays. The cinema can be used to explain the secrets of creation - a mixture of shadows and lights - causal plane, etc. Man appears as a light fabric or Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan says, an egg of light. After analyzing the phenomenon of light both physically, and spiritually, we can ask whether there is any connection between these two types of events. We aim to make further parallels in fact unique as far as we know yet unrealized from light physical and spiritual light.
Ten rules in clairvoyance

Different colors are distinct energies that have clear effects, specific objectives and on us. When we begin to perceive the subtle colors of the aura you must keep in mind that they have a multitude of colors, and it takes time and experience to be sure of their meaning. Here are some things that you should keep in mind:
·         The colors that are closer to the physical body , usually reflect its condition. The colors reflect more on the periphery aura energies, emotional, mental and spiritual.
·         The colors are sharper and more defined, they show that aura is pure and harmonious. Dark colors, troubled reflect imbalances, excesses or other type of problems.
·         Dark colors, but are very intense and bright, indicating a dominant vibration level very high energies. We must not rush telling us it would be a negative if we see a darker color.
·        Aura usually contains more colors. Each color reflects different aspects.The combinations are varied, depending on the complexity of the individual concerned. Experience teaches us that the relation between the different colors and the effect of these combinations.
·        When you start to see the aura of others, we must not forget that we see through our own era, and therefore our perceptions are subjective. Therefore, we must first know its aura. For this, we can exercise the aura viewing mirror.
·         It is very important not to judge people by what we see in their aura. Both our perceptions, as well as how they interpret depend largely on the state in which we found ourselves at the time.
·        To develop our intuition, we can ask questions about what we see and what we think it means these observations. Thus, using the other person's responses and reactions, we can check both the observations and the interpretation which I gave.
·       Aura change frequently. The colors of the area of the body (30-60 cm.) May change several times during a day. Every strong emotion or mental activity can cause significant fluctuations in color and brightness aura. Also aura change throughout life, with the evolution (or involution) person. As we develop the ability to see auras, we find that each individual has a color dominant, we indicate its level of consciousness.
·         The first color that usually occurs after awakening clairvoyance are shades of gray and pale blue that are related to the etheric body energy structure nearest the physical body. We must not be discouraged if you do not immediately see all the colors, but to persevere in achieving these exercises. Many people who see that after a period of enthusiastic practice, the results are not spectacular, become discouraged and stop the practice. But here, the key is found. If daily practice, we will first clear results after four to six weeks.
·       As we develop subtle sight, we begin to see the aura of everything around us. This can become annoying, however. Some techniques aim to teach us how to control this phenomenon and starts it at will. Please do not disclose what I have seen only if the person asks us this.

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