Friday, February 6, 2015

History and evolution of photography

Photo comes from the Greek term photos light and graphein drawing. Photographic equipment includes various ways of producing permanent images on sensitive surfaces by photochemical action of light or other forms of radiation or the more recent techniques of imaging by electronic means.
In today's society plays a very important photo as informational environment as a tool in the service of science and industry, as an art form or a widespread hobby. It is essential in business and industry, being used in advertising, documentary, photojournalism and many other areas.

Scientific research from research at the subatomic space is based on the photo. History shows that the development of photography in the 19th century was the few professional photo because it requires large appliances and glass photographic plates, but in the first decades of the 20th century, with the introduction roll film and the portable device has caught the attention of the general public.
In industry today offers amateurs and professional photographers a wide variety of equipment and accessories.
Light is essential in the photo. Almost all forms of photography is based on the properties of silver crystals, silver and chemical compounds of halogens , sensitive to light. These crystals are in the form of emulsion which is in photographic film.
Photography is therefore based on physical and chemical principles. Sensitivity to light chemical compounds used silver is the main principle. Physical principles that govern are those of optics and physics of light. Light generic term refers to the visible portion of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays, infra-red and ultra-violet. For the longest wave eye is red and the shortest blue.
But how to photograph appeared later to evolve into what it is today? What is the history of photographic science started?
The development of photographic processes began with the recognition that certain chemicals shade or color changes due to exposure to light. After 1820 began researching to succeed permanently fixing the image obtained by exposure to light. From those years until today scientists have refined and improved chemical processes and optical photographic processes.
The first attempts
The oldest preserved photograph is dated 1826 or 1827 and is the image of an inner courtyard seen from his window by Frenchman Nicéphore Niépce. Picture required an exposure of 8 hours. The result was a huge step for research in the field of photography.
Notable attempts to capture the images are those of the British Thomas Wedgwood and Sir Humphry Davy at the end of the 18th century Unfortunately, they failed to successfully fix the images you have created. The image of Niepce, although well fixed on paper, had the quality needed that would ensure the adoption of this new technique. Had that another scientist, Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, who became his partner Niépce and continued to work indépendant after his death, to bring these first attempts at a level that will ensure success. Daguerre created images directly support the metal.A simple experiments done in 1830 and in 1839 made ​​the historic announcement of the discovery process that would bear his name. It involves exposing a silvered copper plates and development services in mercury vapor image and dropping it in salt solution. The resulting images were very fragile to the touch and must be protected by a glass, but were able to keep the smallest detail.
In the same period of 1830, William Henry Fox Talbot British physicist made ​​his own experiences. Early successes they had in 1835 and included a plant leaf printing the image taken with his camera miniature. These negative images were printed on paper made ​​with silver salt solutions, light-sensitive first fixed in common salts and, later, at the suggestion of Sir John Herschel in sodium thiosulphate, known as hypo.
The next step in his research was the discovery of an image Talbot latent invisible product of a short exposures that could be developed chemically.
The next big step in the developmental picture was 1880 appearance at the end of the film roll. Credit for this discovery lies with George Eastman. In 1884 Eastman introduced roll film, which allowed multiple exposures more practical as a negative on glass. The development of photography continued research so by Eastman. This American employee for 14 years of a bank, was passionate about photography, and founded in June 1881 a company that manufactures and distributes throughout America based photographic plates wet collodion. But eastman have an innovative idea, which is to change the glass plates, fragile and awkward. At first tried with a paper treated with special substances. Then, with a young chemist removed first photo support transparent, flexible, and aconstruit a new car adapted to it. We are in 1888, year in which Eastman Kodak chose the name for his invention, selected so that it can be pronounced the same in almost all known languages. He made ​​an easy device camera and a film that allowed 100 exposures. These pictures were taken by an amateur, then send back the unit to Rochester and received photos printed separately or as loaded with a new film, all for $ 10. At that time Eastman launched his company's advertising slogan, which toured worldwide and has not been forgotten in 100 years: You press the button, WE do the rest. The success was huge. It was enough to push a single button, so you can become a magician. Photography was not apnajul specialists, become accessible to ordinary people.
More than 100 years after those events, the process has not changed, but were brought many improvements do. Color sensitivity was much improved, becoming sensitive plate and ultraviolet, infrared and X-rays to artificial light at night and allow shooting in dark rooms, and enlarge.
Color photography
Public desire to enjoy photos in color is evidenced by the frequency with which the mine was used colorful photos first. In particular, this method was used when daguerreotipului. Daguerrotipistul William Edward Kilburn London recorded the greatest success in its coloring pictures, giving them a natural tint.
In 1855 English physicist James Clerk Maxwell defined the theoretical basis of color photography. He understood the principle of the three primary colors that are the basis for all colors.
In the early 20th century there were many experiments, that the brothers Auguste and Louis in 1904 Lumicre announced the development of a technique. In 1907 they patented discovery as Autochrome plates.
This will remain the most popular process, supporting the competition of many other manufacturers until 1935, when he appeared Kodachrome, which use roll film.
Digital Photography
The last step in the recent development of a photographic science made ​​digital photography. Roll-film cameras are almost forgotten by the majority of consumers, except traditionalists professionals. Digital cameras Digital picture recorded in their memory, which can then be transferred to other magnetic or on paper . The benefits are numerous including perhaps the most important is incomparably greater space for storage of pictures.

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