Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuileries Garden in France

Tuileries Garden is a beautiful park that fits into patterns of French landscape architecture and stretches in the center of Paris, between the Louvre building and Place de la Concorde, Seine: Tuileries Gardens sometimes called Central Park. Initially, Italian style, created Queen Catherine di Medici desire, the gardens were restored between 1660 and 1664, in a typical French landscape architect Andre Le led Notre famous gardener of King Louis XIV, the Sun King called .
Le Notre built a terrace along the Seine and opened a central axis that extended it after three years, with the realization Champs-Élysées. Tuileries gardens were opened to the public after the withdrawal of the Sun King at Versailles, one of the important places in Paris promenade. Since the eighteenth century, the park has cafes, kiosks, benches and public toilets. Recently renovated in 1990, the Tuileries Gardens kept initial design created by Le Notre.  These two buildings are the last remnants of the old and mighty Tuileries Palace. History Tuileries Tuileries Palace was built starting in 1564, the desire widowed Queen Catherine de Medici, the place occupied until then by a factory clay tile / brick - French tuile means tile and hence its name. Developed and monarchs constantly abandoned palace ultimately reach a huge façade is 266 m long and residence for many kings: Henry IV, Louis XIV, Louis XVI and Louis XVII, but for emperors Napoleon I and Napoleon III, to intentional destruction in a fire in 1871. Its ruins were destroyed in 1882, today there are projects to rebuild it. You can read more on the official website of the project Tuileries.
1564 - Queen Catherine de Medici desire
Queen Catherine de Medici in 1564 bought land which were tile factories, and the desire to create a new residence after the death of her husband, Henry II. Catherine asked her architects - Philibert Delorme replaced after his death by Jean Bull - make plans for raising west of the Louvre of a palace. The original design was more ambitious than what will be completed: two large buildings parallel, perpendicular to the Seine, combined 4 smaller wings, with three courtyards. Only in the west building was built and it was called Tuileries. This building had a central pavilion above which was a dome, equipped with a ladder suspended arches, considered a masterpiece of the era. This flag was framed by two wings. The south wing ends with a pavilion, built in 1570, but the north wing was never completed. In fact, Catherine de Medici, very superstitious by nature, did not wish to complete the Tuileries to not live here. She moved into a hotel - Appointed Queen's Hotel, Hotel Bursa Trade today  he built in 1574, near the Church of St. Eustachius. Legend has it that her astrologer predicted that he would die Ruggieri near Saint-Germain and the Tuileries palace is right next to the church of Saint-Germain-L-Auxerrois. Part of the story is that strange priest was called to the bedside of Queen, her death was called Saint - Germain. Tuileries Gardens were at that time Italian-inspired gardens, to remember Queen Tuscan homeland. Under the reign of King Charles the Ninth, the site was abandoned palace. Henry III held here a few parties, but neither he actually lived.
1600s - widening palace during King Henry IV
To start seventeenth century, King Henry IV wanted to link the Louvre through the Tuileries a gallery along the Seine. Meanwhile Tuileries was extended to the south by a wing called the Little Gallery. This project was named Grand Design.
Sun King and his contribution
In 1610 - after the death of Henry IV - Tuileries was again abandoned until the reign of Louis XIV, who also built two pavilions and a gallery hoping to balance the palace architecture. And because the architecture does not have a common style ample ordered its restoration, restoration completed with the seventeenth century. But the main residence of the Sun King was Versailles and the Tuileries lived only during the construction of the new castle. All through the Old Regime to the Tuileries leading residents were the Duchess of Montpensier - Miss Great, Louis XIV, Louis XV.
XVIII century - Opera in Paris Tuileries Palace
After 1728, the palace was occupied by the king's courtiers, artists and various people removed from politics.After a fire at the Royal Palace, Opera moved to seven years the Tuileries Palace until 1770 when it was moved to the French comedy. in 1763. The premiere of The Barber of Seville by Beaumarchais, was held at the Tuileries in 1775.
French Revolution - forced return of the kings of the Tuileries
In 1789, the revolutionaries banished from Versailles, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and their children forcibly installed in the Tuileries, which begins as a heyday for 80 years, which was during  the residence of the French leaders and major theater events. In 1789 the Constituent Assembly moved from Versailles to the Tuileries in the largest indoor hall in Paris, Salle de Manege. In 1792, the royal family was banished from the palace, and the guillotine was installed in the eastern part of it. Nearly a year here to install Convention and the palace changed its name to the National Palace.
Napoleon Bonaparte and Tuileries - Imperial Palace
First Consul Napoleon established residence here in 1800 and is accommodated in the King's old apartment - sleeping in the room where they slept and Ludovix XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. After proclaimed emperor, Tuileries became an imperial palace and was redecorated in the new neoclassical Empire, as architects Percier and Fontaine, who conducted the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and, in 1806, the Arch of Septimius Severus in Rome imitating to replace the old palace entrance. In 1815 the board for the last time in the Tuileries.
Restoration of the monarchy - the royal palace Tuileries again
The palace was inhabited by Louis XVIII century, the only king who died in the Tuileries and his brother Charles X century revolutionaries drove here from 1830.
One inhabited for more than a Palace became the residence of Louis Philip Casimir Perier's insistence that he wanted to restore the prestige of the old monarchy. Louis Philippe lived before the Palais Royale.
Revolution of 1848 - vandalism Palace
Revolutionaries from 48 vandalize Tuileries. Himself Nicolae Balcescu, at Paris in those days, broke a piece of velvet throne of Louis Philippe and sent a piece and friend from Iasi, Alecsandri. For a short period, the palace becomes a space for disabled veterans care, then again the official residence.
Napoleon III and the Second Empire
The Last  heyday of the Tuileries Palace was during the reign of Napoleon III, who restored, enlarged and united - finally - the Louvre (1870). Together, the two buildings constitute the largest and most majestic building in Europe. Napoleon came here from the Elysees Palace, the current residence of French presidents. The new style renovation of the palace - roofs with large projecting cornices, named Second Empire, was adopted by England and America.
The fire of 1871 and demolished in 1883 - Tuileries Palace disappearance
On May 23, 1871, the Palace is burned by a group of several people led by Bergeret and Building and was left to burn for 3 days to extinguish the fire. They took a cold meal on the terrace of the Louvre and contemplate fire. On May 27 there were left only remnants of walls blackened. Since 1872, many French - including Haussmann, Lefuel, Viollet-le-Duc, fought for the restoration of the palace in full or, at least, partial.Insa a Senatorial Committee in 1876 introduced the idea to demolish the ruins of the palace After long disputes, Camera Deputies decided, in 1879, the demolition, which was put into practice in 1883. In place of the former imperial royal palace and today remains just a small billboard noted very few tourists. There is a replica of the Tuileries Palace in court Faubourg-Montmartre Street .
Legend Tuileries Palace
It is said that a butcher near the palace was murdered by order of Catherine de Medici for that he knew too many secrets royal. In the moment of loss, he had said: I will return! And his body disappeared. From that moment began his appearances. The first was in front of the Queen's astrologer, Ruggieri, whom revealed that all the inhabitants of the palace will be prosecuted bad luck and that his ghost will disappear once the palace. Known as Little Red Tuileries, the haunted palace and announced his appearances always a great offend: Queen Marie Antoinette appeared before the fall of the monarchy, Napoleon I before Battle of Waterloo, Louis XVIII and his brother a few days before his death regelui.Se said that during the fire of 1871, the little red silhouette of the Tuileries was seen for the last time in a window.

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