Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Trinitas Cross

His Eminence Daniel, Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina, surrounded by priests who attended yesterday pastoral conferences at the Centre Providence of Iasi celebrated last night the consecration of the biggest Cross in Moldova located on the hill near Paun Iasi. On this Cross light and 40 meters high will be located Trinitas Radio station broadcasting. The most remote villages of the city will be able to receive better this station. In the sermon delivered after the consecration celebration, His Eminence Metropolitan Father Daniel emphasizing the importance of the Cross located on the hill Paun: This St. Cross is both a pillar of Radio Trinitas issue where the frequency of 92, 7. This work is of significant desosebit from several points of view. First, it is a cross that reminds us of St. Trinity. Whenever we mark St. Cross say: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of St. Spirit. So we can not break Cross St. Trinity that the Son of God, the One of St. Trinity, was crucified St. Cross for us men and for our salvation. Cross of Christ and not Christ separates separates from St. Trinity. Therefore, when high stakes Radio Trinitas shaped cross praises St. Trinity, and God's unending love for the world. Arm vertical descent of God the Son to show us the horizontal arm lifting show our eternal life and glory of love St. Trinity. The Cross is not only the symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus, but his victory over death mark. Resurrection power is hidden in the Cross, and the glory of the Cross is seen in Resurrection. We believe that this city, Iasi, being a Christian city, love the Holy Trinity shield is shown in our Savior Jesus Christ for spiritual ascension. Ascension of the Cross is made ​​between the feast of the Assumption, who with her ​​prayers deliver our souls from death, and the feast of the Exaltation of St. Cross, September 14, before the beginning of the church year from 1 September. It binds Cross and Our conference theme Romanian Orthodox Church and European integration. As we have St. Cross in the country emblem, the eagle stavrofor, bearer of the Cross, so this cross reminds us that the European Union we have the vocation of witnessing the love of Christ to the whole world and keep the faith. To preach, wherever we find His love toward us, and St. Cross to give us the strength to go through hardships, to feel the joy of the Resurrection. His Eminence Metropolitan Father Daniel then granted honorary degree Stefan cel Mare several people who helped make the Cross which was located on the hill Paun. The names of those who received the diploma was made ​​known by Father Constantin Andrei, dean of the Deanery I Iasi, and Father Vili Dorosinca, dean of the Deanery Iasi II: 'Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina, Iasi, Romania. Diploma of Honour Stefan cel Mare is given Mr. Ion Nani, general manager of SC Antibiotics SA Iasi, for outstanding achievements in preserving and promoting the culture of the Christian faith. Sign, Daniel, Archbishop of Iasi and Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina, the year of salvation 2006 August day 21. This distinction is given and the next: Mr. Florin Osadet, technical director Antibiotice Iasi, Mr. Michael Savin, Mr. George Mertin, Mr. Paul Uci, Mr. Ion vinegar, director SC Scut SA Bacau, Mr. Florin Tonegara. Aceleeasi honors: Mr. Eng. Cornel Ciuhac, SC Elmondcom SRL ,Iasi, Mr. Gregory Mardar, SC Electro SRL lord mayor of Barnova, Victor Chirila, Mr. Paul Butnariu, SC Construction Railway SA Iasi, parish of St. Peter and Paul , Paun. At the dedication of the Cross last night on the hill Paun was present correspondent radio station Trinitas, Ciprian Olinici, which conducted several interviews with those who supported this work. The first interviewee was the father of Constantine, Andrew, dean of the Deanery I Iasi, who noted that 'this effort worth it, because in this warm atmosphere Iasi lights can be seen from afar, and on the right is our light Cross. This cross is an icon of Iasi & our country. Then the Cross means bringing in many homes Trinitas Radio waves, where the farthest will be how to receive Radio Trinitas. It's very hard to work realizes a multifunctional today and do more wish: to be and antenna, and to be in a visible place, but with God's help we managed. I want to thank the Good Lord that helped us, Metropolitan Daniel that spurred us and commanded us to fulfill and realize the Cross, and then Parish Priest in Iasi who helped us. In particular thanks to the team who executed Antibiotics for nearly a month this beautiful Cross. Next was interviewed Father Vili Dorosinca, dean of the Deanery Iasi II, who wanted to emphasize that for believers in Iasi, and beyond, I mean all those who will guide the eyes to the hill where there is Paun Cross it, will be a beneficial act because the cross is the sign of Christianity, and thus will see Christ, who was crucified for the sins of mankind. They will see through this Cross sign victory over evil, that the Orthodox Church does nothing more than keep the symbol of the Cross that Christ left us. This holy Cross tonight by Metropolitan Daniel, the initiative which was high and is beneficial for Radio Trinitas, because the top of the Cross will be installed that station will transmit both religious services and Bible teachings and other tips spiritual for all believers and especially for those who are on the bed of suffering, for the elderly, for children, for those who can not attend our religious service of Sunday, the holidays, during the week or on other days which also serves St. Mass. A few words about the importance of achieving cross on the hill Paun were uttered by Victor Chirila and Mayor of Barnova, which belongs to the village common Paun: For us it is a special event because it is rarely have the opportunity to have a such a community building, that it really beautiful cross over 40 meters high, which is Trinitas antenna and with which Christianity voice is heard far away. We are proud that we host such an event so late an hour. In future, it will probably be a place of pilgrimage for those who want to see a particular edifiu who think they no longer elsewhere. A final interview last night was John Nani, director of Antibiotice Iasi, one of the main founders of the Cross on the hill Paun, who explained that at the request of Metropolitan Daniel I could not remain indifferent, especially as His Eminence, repeatedly says to us that we are part of the Diocesan Assembly shall always be with the Church and make nice gestures that people understand them at their true value. This Cross will take the role of Radio Trinitas radio antenna. Generations from now people will look to see the hill peacock lighted cross, being a symbol of the area.

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