Monday, December 15, 2014

A brief history of Hinduism

No religion is simple to understand or be underestimated in their dogma history structure and parishioners. All are complex and require a certain believers personal sacrifice, ranging from having to pray several times a day to avoid eating certain types of animals. Hinduism is no exception and even for a Westerner can become truly difficult to understand such ancestral faith. In this present work we try to bring the Western reader to this religion, one of the hundreds that exist in India and Asia, but it is certainly one of the most recognized worldwide, even if only in name.
Now, define Hinduism is not an easy task, or at least not as much as happens with Christianity, Judaism or Islam. In itself, it is a religion that encompasses beliefs since their oldest scriptures, or the Vedas were created until the current date. Religion in which gods like Shiva, Vishnu or Sakti is honored for just to name a few, because according to some sources indicate, Hinduism has around over 330 million gods .

First of all, the word Hindu is a European invention exported by the British to everyone. Actually when we talk about this so-called Hinduism, talk about a conglomerate of many beliefs-as we said-but make different religions and sects, which have been created over thousands of years. How it all started , well as expected, Hinduism has its beginnings in mythology course.

The origin, historical and mythological
Obviously a work about the history of this conglomeration of beliefs and religions take us several pages, so try to be as brief and concise as possible, omit some things, but nothing to confuse or distort. We'll start by saying that Hinduism currently has around 700 to 800 million parishioners. It is believed that it all started 3500 years ago when the Aryans fell on current Pakistan and India, invadiéndolas, spreading and settling. These brought some beliefs of Iran and Babylon, which apparently were mixed with existing in India. Other researchers prefer to say that even before the Indians worshiped a sacred stones, Sivalinga. Apparently all this was known and orally transmitted so for generations. If there was any written source, you do not know or have not found data on which it was produced before a big change. We say this because around 900 BC were ready writings known as the Vedas, which contain hymns, prayers and praises. In total there are four: the Rigveda, the Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda, which came to take decades, even centuries to complete. As we see, now this belief or beliefs that made the call Hinduism in the West, already had their respective holy books. The Brahmanas and the Upanishads was then added. The first talk about the rituals and sacrifice, its meaning, importance and significance, and it seems to date back to 300 BC The Upanishads are the books that are responsible for responding to any action or thought as the dogma that composes beliefs Hinduism. No precise date but it seems that is between 600 to 300 BC

Here referred to some familiar doctrines such as samsara and karma . It also has books as the Puranas, which together myths about Hindu gods and heroes, among which are the famous epic Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
Another vital issues of this religion is its relation to social classes in India, a country with several million followers in Hinduism, faith demanded an inexorable hierarchy of social groups. Let's see; according to mythology, there were four main castes also based on the body parts of Purusha, the father figure in the origins of mankind: the Brahman was his mouth, of both his arms was made the rajanya, her thighs the Vaisya and produced his feet the Sudra. First, the Brahmins were higher priesthood, followed, then the class of merchants and farmers ruler or warrior class and the Sudra, the last of all, represented the class of workers. As we see the comparison goes from the top of the body to the bottom.

Eventually they came to raise some other classes such as outcasts and untouchables. This caste system beyond class is racist, because the first three groups are considered Aryans, the latter do not. Moreover it is a regime which the average Indian does not try out, generating millions remain in poverty for generations. To all this then what sense does appear to be a Hindu , seek the release of those constants lives, the purpose of the journey of the soul, Nirvana, to join the individual or entity supreme Brahman or Brahma. With this we have touched upon the subject of the gods. As already mentioned, Hinduism seems to have millions, and even among the main, the number is not small, but it will reduce to three: Brahma, the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva finally. They are married to Saraswati, Lakshmi and Sati respectively. However Brahma, although apparently the main deity, receives very little praise or temples dedicated in his name, but rather some as Shiva is known, even internationally. But here's the tricky: the millions of gods for Hindus, are just manifestations of the idea of ​​God, ie they really are monotheists, believe in one true divinity which can take either the form of a sensual woman, a being of several arms, or even an elephant. This notion of a God, expressed in many ways, not infrequently longer generates confusion regarding the interpretation that Western scholars can show by this religion.

Hindu gods, like other cultures as in the case of the Euphrates and the Nile, are closely related to the natural environment of its believers, particularly towards the Ganges river, which apparently existed in space, in the Milky Way, and descended from the heavens through the indulgence of Lord Shiva, to give life to the firm and dry land. Ganga, whence the name Ganges, was another god of course, and apparently his mission on earth was also purify the Maharaja Sagara, who had lost about 60,000 children, whose souls should also go through the same cleaning. With this feat, besides the god brought civilization to India. That's why Hindus believe that this river has the ability to cleanse the souls, purify, release them and to heal. At Ganges flowers and other offerings are carried, and the believer receives the priest the tilak or stain red paste on the front. Then Hindus come to bathe, pray and even to drink the water in order to obtain peace, redemption or blessing. Keep in mind that is so sacred that the mention of Hindus take water should be taken as serious, as the river is very polluted, which does not seem to mind. There are also carried some bodies, so that the soul of the deceased have full happiness on your journey.

Again, the followers of this faith believe in the immortality of the soul, being a belief adopted since Babylonian times, and is manifested in many world religions. Incidentally, and finally to increase the coincidences, Hindus also believe in Hell. Finally, to round out the beliefs of the manifestations of one God or Supreme Being, which sometimes can be animals, have been Hindus have respect for monkeys or cows, avoiding kill or eat them under any circumstance. The funny thing is that millions are starving, but in their pens may have enough cattle to feed them. Anyway, those pray remain intact due to the total dedication and belief of Hindus regarding your faith, which has continued to generate many controversies, especially in the Western world.

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