Wednesday, December 31, 2014

In Israel found of gold

Israeli archaeologists have discovered a unique collection of gold jewelry. This was reported in the press release of the University of Tel Aviv, whose staff participated in the excavations. The English language version of the press release is available on Physic organization .

The hoard was discovered during excavations near the modern city of Tel Megiddo. Jewelry collection was wrapped in cloth and hidden inside a clay vessel filled with mud. Vessel itself was discovered in 2010, but cleared him just now.

According to scientists, the age of jewelry is about 3100 years old. Among them are a large number of similar Egyptian the same time period.

Most impressed by archaeologists made earrings, whose surface is decorated with miniature figures of mountain goats. Researchers say that before they did not come across anything like it - in style and workmanship find unique.

Currently, researchers analyzed the matter, which were wrapped jewelry, as well as the composition of gold, of which they are made. This will help determine the origin of jewelry - for example, if gold is pure enough, then most likely it came from Egypt. In this case, it will be possible to assume that the decorations were left behind by the Egyptians - in the XII century BC their dominance in the region ceased.

The find was made near the hill of Megiddo . In ancient times, this region has the same city-state. According to some reports, people settled in the region for 7000 years BC.

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