Saturday, December 20, 2014

The crystal pyramids under water in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle

The Dr. Meyer Verlag, a scientist with the discovery of the oceans of glass pyramids underwater to a depth of two thousand meters in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, where they were discovered using advanced sonar devices where scientists were able to determine the quality of the crystal pyramids they surprise that the size of the pyramids three times larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Giza, where Dr. Verlag work further investigation about the mystery of pyramids who are in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.
Believes that these pyramids may reveal many of the issues and questions mysterious about Bermuda humans and science's inability to talk about their interpretation to the far triangle where it will bring currently held Studies More results and details about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle mystery where no one knows exactly what the existing stuff underwater bottom of the triangle, but Certainly the discovery of pyramids will have very important in solving some ambiguity about the Bermuda Triangle.
Following the discovery, I think many researchers that these pyramids located in the bottom of the sea has been created in righteousness and moved to the bottom of the sea in this depth because of the many climate change and devastating earthquakes over thousands of years while I think some of the other scientists said that since hundreds of years carrying water Bermuda Triangle abnormal activity, prompting the region's population at the time of the construction of the pyramids as a repository for them to store water or to withhold some of the water activity is natural to protect them.

Currently, many scientists expect that the results will reveal her research in the coming period are likely to be hard to believe, where scientists confirmed that the completely smooth surface such as glass pyramids or snow was confirmed in addition to their size also issued several reports in a special state of Florida Conference of the United States that already confirming the existence of pyramids where the data indicated the presence of two bodies, the three-dimensional shape of a pyramid on the bottom of the sea at a depth of two thousand meters above the area with some graphs HD.

The discovery of the pyramid down the water for the first time in 1960 :
As far back as 1960, the Dr. research to discover and learn about the structure of the giant during some diving trips with his diving team where this discovery aroused the interest of many scientists at the time, but scientists have not been looking at the time a lot in this matter was ignored after a short time because of the likelihood of large uncertainty private After that there are many theories and opinions that explain the activity of the Bermuda Triangle water is natural that these scientists did not want to shed a lot of light on some of the implications of other uncertain.

Secrets of the pyramid and the probability of some phenomena is natural explanation in the Bermuda Triangle:
Comes the most important point in the issue is that the recent discovery of the pyramids may be linked to some of the events mysterious stunts in the Bermuda Triangle area due to the interpretations of scholars output of the pyramidal shape of the activity where scientists proved that the pyramidal shape resulting in the amount of enormous energy and some of the activities highlighted is the lack of accuracy of the compass at the pyramid Try yourself as building a pyramid shape placed underneath compass directions you'll find that deviated from its accuracy and because of the enormous magnetic activity which results from the pyramid and this may explain the mysterious cause of the reasons for the loss of some ships and disable compasses in particular Bermuda Triangle area.

This is in addition to that produced from the pyramid movement Injectors energy emitted from the head or top of the pyramid can accommodate diameter higher and a height of 8 feet in diameter and 6 inches above the pyramid is made ​​of cardboard and a height of 4 inches, and also found that if you put crystals quartz over a hierarchical model, they increase the area Pyramid power.
And well proven that there is within any hierarchy of magnetic field changes the powers that be, as it is known that he could no magnetic field to prevent the entry into force of the power supply or change of a magnetic field is present and this shows that there is in the pyramid electromagnetic field and table strength of this area of 13,000 gauss while that the area of land is 1 gauss and this is the reason for increasing the breeding seeds and activate enzymes.

Scientists think it already exists in this city of Atlantis absolute place it was the Bermuda Triangle, but were completely sunk in this spot than humans inability to explain these strange events since the nineteenth century.

The discovery of the pyramid again in 1968

 Also date back to 1968, discovered Dr. Ray Brown pyramid bottom of this spot for the first time is a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Arizona in one of his trips with some of his friends to dive hinted Dr. build a huge bottom of the water in the bottom of the range of his vision where he was able to determine the shape and the hierarchy but it was shining in a clear but could not fully analyzed Due to the lack of oxygen, which carries.

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