Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Egyptian pyramids

An engineer experienced in restoration ensures that no ramps or blocks, but debris and mud were used, and that the construction was from the inside out.A new theory adds to the controversy never resolved how the Egyptian pyramids were built. Peter James, dubbed the Indiana Jones Welsh, ensures that these monuments were built from the inside out. Large ramps but scaffolding and ropes are not used.
James is a specialist restoration structural engineer in Egyptian temples. His theory, given released by the British newspaper The Times, surely receive criticism from archaeolo gists and Egyptolo gists.According to the engineer, for indoors are not large blocks, but debris, mud and small stones were used. Blocks were used for the structure and the outside.

 The few documents that remain on the construction of these works indicate an age of 4600 years and were built in the record time of 25 years.The Greek historian Herodotus recounted the testimony of the Egyptian priests, that the pyramids were built by steps and using wooden mills as scaffolds.However, until now most widely accepted theory is the use of ramps. Thousands of slaves moved blocks for these ramps.
 For James this idea is wrong. I'm basically a builder, not an archaeologist. I have tackled the problem as an engineer, using only materials available in ancient Egypt, he say The Times.
 Archaeologists have assumed that the pyramids are built with the same type used on the outside blocks. That can not be right, because to produce two million large blocks that are supposed he needed to build the Great Pyramid of Giza in 25 years, would have taken out a new block from the quarry every two minutes up , he described.
 James also denies the theory of outdoor ramps. The ramp should have been as large as the pyramid itself and reached 400 meters in length. If they had been as big ramps, it would be some theory of them, he asked.

To the engineer, the temples were necessarily be built from within, with small internal ramps that were growing and using rubble, fillers and smaller than those used for the structure and exterior of stones.

The same Ra

The engineer also claims to have solved the mystery of why the coatings limestone pyramids were detached. There were looting and theft as believed, but the phenomenon of thermal expansion.
 Large fluctuations in temperature in the desert  were the real cause. The pyramids were built to honor it Ra, the sun god, and the end was the Ra himself who ended afeandolas he quipped.

Other ideas

The mystery of the pyramids has inspired several blunders. They emphasize the ideas of the new age writers Erich von Daniken and JJ Benitez. According to them, no one could build a pyramid with the perfection of Cheops. Only superior beings from another planet could provide the skills and knowledge necessa

In Giza

Three. The most famous Egyptian pyramids are those located in Giza in honor of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus pharaohs.Cheops. It's great. Has 136 meters high and 230 wide. The interior has three main chambers: chamber of the king, queen and one in the basement.

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