Saturday, December 13, 2014

The super weapons of Hitler

When Hitler started the war in September 1939 was not too strong. It however blitzkrieg theory, innovative tactic of war to the world at the time, gave the first great victories. However, the military scientists Hitler always insisted that the war had begun earlier than usual, and that Germany, despite their initial successes stopped being poorly prepared and the mere fact of making a small mistake, would not lead the country to inevitable defeat.

Hitler, of course, did not give many options.The first project was always unfinished was the atomic bomb, which failed because Germany did not have the means and resources.In the end, the pump would be a promise Führer his soldiers throughout the war that ended in the hands of Washington. However, Hitler had to wait until a very advanced stage of the contest to perform their best known for posterity secret weapons: the V-1 and V-2. However, although they were almost unstoppable were built in large numbers, representing pioneering weapons of its kind.


The secret weapons remained in project

Perhaps where Hitler's secret weapons showed many plans were in the aeronautical field as the types of aircraft went beyond the classic Stuka, Heinkel and Messerschmitt.
The Nazis were obsessed with the occult and tried to create many aircraft-style flying saucers which curiously began to be spotted quite often in later times to the Second world war
Among the aircraft vanguard can mention the Focke Wulf A project intercontinental aircraft, which provided travel up to a thousand miles per hour. Have built their speed he had done unattainable. A variable of this model was Focke Wulf-03, which should have been able to carry bombs weighing up to 3000 kg to destroy America. On top of that was the Triebfluegel, perhaps one of the ancestors of modern helicopter, becoming the Nazis in the pioneering of these devices.
We have already mentioned the first rockets and ballistic devices in history. The Nazis also invented those who rode on a ship, reaching the same Luftwaffe planes to carry some units, disorganized Allied air formations and sometimes were almost unmanned, but not intelligently. Another major Nazi inventions were the Foo Fighters, lights that appeared about Allied aircraft carrying an extreme luminosity and seemed to have a steady course. Perhaps, most likely, have been controlled radio controlled and only in order to distract the allies. The funny thing is that other sources cite that the Germans themselves did not know what these mysterious objects were about.

The imagination to the limit

Inspired by the research of Nikola Tesla, the Nazis bet much of their capital in the creation of electromagnetic rays, defensive shields, lasers, sonic cannons and other weapons that definitely, for the time, and even today, were pure fantasy. The guns deserve special mention as the so-called gun wind, which using mixtures of oxygen and hydrogen could generate a mixture capable of emitting steam could reach shred any material.
Unfortunately, it was never used because only arrived in the last months of the war. However, Nazi secret weapons often were not based on the orthodox we all know. Hitler unleashed his madness, which was put into practice by Himmler and the SS. With the Paranormal Division of this criminal organization, the Nazis were able to access many ancient writings based on black magic which was combined with the science of time. In theory, and as they passed the last fateful months of the war, the Nazis reached a stage of desperation was such that the need to dust off their latest resources. So, then, experiments were based not only on the hypothetical creation of material weapons, but human, or ... or rather pseudo-human.
Thus, the Nazis walked in pursuit of supernatural forces. They tried to contact aliens. Finding no further response, a Nazi expedition departed for Antarctica. There, they tried to corroborate the theory of the hollow earth as old legends speak of a supposed species of beings intraterrestrials those who were endowed with supernatural powers that the Nazis were interested in acquiring to reverse the poor performance in the war. I know not know which concluded investigations. Only such intentions known by some nothing conclusive documents. In addition to the many castles in Europe, Himmler's SS developed many closer to fantasy as those in which we attempted to revive dead, bring monsters from the parallel universes, as well as create super soldiers, half human, half robot experiments.

Bacteriological and ground weapons

After the First world war, bacteriological weapons were almost banned, but the Nazis decided to create some alternative to disimularan its effects, though never to use them. The gases marched to join the campaign of extermination against the camp prisoners, but nothing more. However, the investigation determined that the Nazis, in the not too distant day, they planned to use such weapons, although somewhat more innovative and extravagant as those based on botulin toxin poison. Finally, we have the tanks. While the Germans always characterized by creating large number of armored models, later models posed by the Third Reich in the last months of the war after the Tiger I, were only in the idea. This was due to lack of budget. The giant, grotesque and wasteful Panzer VIII Maus, spent too much gasoline. His armor was good but it was too slow and finishing being an armored went straight to the museum because of how late production began. In theory it was the first in a series of tanks to be responsible for cross any obstacle and overcome in speed, power, and armor to attack any Allied contender on all fronts. Again, the infeasibility, time, price and allies were the main obstacles to Hitler.
Anyway, Hitler's secret weapons were not forgotten. Since the first aircraft turbines, which left aside propellers until superbombarderos, missiles, guns with lasers, based on energy and all others mentioned were projects that interested the Americans and Soviets. Therefore, all these projects moved into quasi-finished models and plans for Washington and Moscow, leading to the arsenal that was in the post-war. Nevertheless, it is recognized that the German war potential stolen after the war has never been accepted in full by Russia or the United States. What other weapon must have arisen in the world result of investigations initiated by the Nazis seventy years ago Maybe we'll know only in the next, and possibly final, world war .

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