Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Bermuda Triangle something to do with the disappearance of flight MH370

Almost a week after his disappearance, the fate of the MH370 flight, the airline Malaysia Airlines, remains a complete mystery. The plane was traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board the majority Chinese citizens. While the authorities in several countries and dozens of planes and boats scour every corner including China Sea the Pacific Ocean the Bay of Bengal and other parts of the Indian Ocean, some people wonder if the Bermuda Triangle could not have something to do with the accident.
The plane disappeared from radar an hour after takeoff, last Saturday at 0h40 from Kuala Lumpur. Weather conditions were considered good and no warning signal was received. The aircraft is considered one of the safest in the world.Until yesterday the area traced to search the plane already covered more than 10 countries and nearly 27,000 nautical miles, equivalent to 90,000 square kilometers.
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The disappearance of the Boeing 777 causes nothing less than perplexity among experts and governments. Several hypotheses have been formulated, an explosion on board until a kidnapping or pilot suicide. To crown the confusion, passenger ensure that relatives phoned their loved ones, and cell called, but there was no answer.
Thus, it was inevitable that the disappearance evoked comparisons with the alleged infamous part of the ocean where ships and planes vanish without a hint. A few days ago, a Malaysian political wrote on Twitter: New Bermuda Triangle detected in Vietnam waters, well equipped sophisticated devices serve no use , As a joke in reference to look for impractical held in the area. The comment outraged many people, who considered insensitive, and he later apologized.

The Bermuda Triangle and why it is false

The term Bermuda Triangle was coined in 1964 but only became known around the world a decade later, when Charles Berlitz wrote a book about it. Berlitz believed that the legendary lost subcontinent of Atlantis was real and somehow responsible for the mysterious disappearance
off the coast of Florida . Since then, many theories have been advanced to explain the mystery. Some writers have expanded the Berlitz ideas about Atlantis, suggesting that the mythical city may be on the seabed and use crystal power to sink ships and planes. Other more imaginary suggestion take in space time portals and aliens - including rumors of underwater alien bases. Still others believe that the explanation is in some kind of geological or hydrological phenomenon extremely rare in the region.
The latest suggestion is that the plane Malaysia Airlines disappeared on a piece of ocean that is the exact opposite of the Bermuda Triangle of the globe - is not a bizarre coincidence 

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No. In fact it seems very mysterious and scary, until you consult a map and notes that the search area of ​​the aircraft is no more or less opposite the Bermuda Triangle but instead in the Caribbean Sea. Skewed Geography aside, the truth is that nobody knows where the plane disappeared. It could have been in the China Sea, or off the west coast of Malaysia, or anywhere else. Some researchers suspect that the plane crashed even in the sea, but instead is in the mountainous jungles of Vietnam, where teams were sent. Once the plane could have done anything in the hours after his last appearance on the radar, the search area is very large.
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Moreover, the Bermuda Triangle there - simple as that. He was exposed in the 1970s, when the journalist Larry Kusche researched supposed strange disappearances in the area, reviewing what others have written on the subject, and found that the story was basically created by errors and fraud. In his book The Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solved Kusche found that few writers took the time to do a real investigation - in your Most, only repeated information collected from other earlier writers, who did the same. In some cases, there is no record of the ships and planes that they say were lost in the aquatic triangular cemetery because they never existed. In other cases, the ships and planes were real, but "mysteriously disappeared during heavy storms.
It is also important to note that the area within the Bermuda Triangle is heavily traveled by cruise ships and cargo; logically, should sink more ships there than in less traveled areas such as the South Pacific, but the infernal triangle does not have an unusually high number of mysterious disappearances.

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