Thursday, February 26, 2015

50 interesting facts about jellyfish

Jellyfish have very different sizes, from the size of Gamaliel up to 2.5 meters and their tentacles can reach lengths up to 60 meters length twice as big as a blue whale.
Jellyfish are found in all seas and oceans . They are found even in freshwater lakes and ponds.
Each tentacle is armed with thousands of specially adapted cells to behave like miniature harpoon. These cells are called nematocysts. When a fish or other object is caught in these cells tentacles pull tubes incolocite injecting venom into the prey inside.

Norwegian Forest cat

Norwegian forest cat is a large, rich and precious fur and, contrary to appearances, with a gentle and loving personality. It is one of the oldest breeds of cats, appearing and evolving in the cold lands of northern Europe.


Norwegian breed was formed naturally and has been in Scandinavia since ancient times.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Peacock Blue beauty and awe

Who does not know this bird and not left enchanted by her elegance least once ?! Splendid coloring, coada- fan with dozens of piercing blue eyes and courtly dance conquered man thousands of years ago. The peacock is one of the most beautiful birds in the world, and one of the most respected. Over the centuries it has been revered by Hindus and courtyards adorned many royal palaces in the world.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Parapsychological phenomena study

Parapsychology deals with the study of phenomena that can’t be explained naturally, scientific, being outside normal sensory channels.
Shortly after the appearance of spiritualism, his followers concluded that paranormal phenomena occur only in the presence of certain people.

Channel Tunnel

Channel Tunnel is an undersea railway tunnel, 50 km long, linking western France with South East England under the English Channel. The tunnel was built in cooperation of the governments of the United Kingdom and France. It is the second longest railway tunnel in the world, surpassed only by the Seikan Tunnel Japanese. Crossing cars, buses, motorcycles and trucks is provided by rail shuttles and takes about 35 minutes from platform to platform. Passenger transport is provided by the company Eurostar, TGV-type trains using modified to suit specific tunnel and the British network .

Space Shuttle Endeavour

Space Shuttle Endeavor and ended his career after 19 years and 25 flights. She landed a few hours ago from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, after one last mission to the International Space Station. The Endeavor is the youngest of NASA space shuttle fleet and was built as a replacement for Challenger, destroyed its launch in 1986. He spent almost 300 days in orbit, traveling about 200 million km from its first flight.

What is actually Yeti Snow Man

It is a mystery that has fascinated scientists ever: who is actually Yeti - creature that looks like a monkey and that seems to haunt the Himalayas?

Last year, a man science theory claimed that the Yeti is a distant relative of polar bears who disappeared 40,000 years ago. But some recent DNA tests come to contradict this theory.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lighthouse of Alexandria the 7th wonder of the ancient world

The seventh wonder of the ancient world was in Egypt. It is a tower on top of which a flame that burned sailors entering the port of Alexandria signal. It was built on the island of Faros, this name is the origin of the term far that designates such a construction.
Lighthouse of Alexandria was built during the reign of Ptolemy II, 285-246 BC, the designer Sostre. The legend, the subject of the action of sea Sostre different materials to see which is most resistant. Following the experience, the architect found that only the glass was not appealed.

Petra Stone Town

Petra, stone town and impress all the pilgrims, is an archaeological site placed to southwestern Jordan. The Town lies along the foot of Mount Hor  walking across a long gorge and then stretching the eastern side of the Arabah valley, known as Wadi Araba - wide valley that stretches from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba.
The city is best known for its architecture, carved always entirely in stone mountain that support most of the buildings.
Petra - a discovery of world importance
The city, with the whole area of the western world remained unknown until 1812, when he was discovered by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Explorer discovery was described in a John William Burgon's sent as a reddish-pink city half as old time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Robinson Crusoe History of a book

Daniel Defoe was the son of the butcher, the Puritan London's St. Giles Cripplegate,. He was born 20 years before his time had Selkirk and a man with multiple occupations: orator and politician, merchant and author of numerous books and laws.
Native district was one of the most badly during the terrible plague of 1665. The black plague ravages Daniel Defoe himself had to deal extensively in the famous plague log in, they will score among leading memorialiştii century.
Daniel learned book a good teacher, to whose toil teaching always referred with gratitude, for he said that he learned from enabled to answer Swift once that he had made ​​stupid and illiterate scribbler that as illiterate as I learned in my time to know five languages ​​like water

Tibetan Mastiff force on top of the world

Tibetan Mastiff is a dog-monument, history and greatness. This breed  primitive was developed centuries ago in Tibet. Originally used to guard farms and animals, Tibetan can still be seen in this role, but also can be an excellent and loving companion dog. Tibetan Mastiff has a lot of qualities, but it is not a dog for everyone. We attract the respect and of passers by on the street, but if that's all you want from a dog, reconsider your decision on race.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Wind Energy

Wind is air movement caused by air masses with different temperatures. Different temperatures are caused by water and land masses that absorb the sun's heat differently. On a global scale air mass movements are caused by the temperature difference between the equator and the earth near the poles. Because wind will beat while the sun will warm the Earth is a renewable energy source, which is currently operated to produce electricity.

Online Marketing Strategies

If you're a little confused about what it means marketing strategy that suits you best, in the online environment, here are some suggestions that any
contractor you should know :
1. Start a blog. The blog is probably the fastest way to create awareness and draw attention to your business, helping to building an image online, and eliminating any risk of miscommunication. He will make your business a human mask, becoming an element of transparency with which the virtual client
able to identify.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Climate change

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Global on Climate Change - IPCC developed in 2007, human activity burning fossil fuels, land use change, etc. contribute significantly increased levels of emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causing warming and climate change in its composition.

History and evolution of photography

Photo comes from the Greek term photos light and graphein drawing. Photographic equipment includes various ways of producing permanent images on sensitive surfaces by photochemical action of light or other forms of radiation or the more recent techniques of imaging by electronic means.
In today's society plays a very important photo as informational environment as a tool in the service of science and industry, as an art form or a widespread hobby. It is essential in business and industry, being used in advertising, documentary, photojournalism and many other areas.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Labour History

In the history of human society, the simplest division of labor, its own primitive communism was a natural division of labor, found on difference of sex and age, which is based on a purely physiological (Karl Marx). Through the degeneration of village primitive, development of productive forces gave rise to social division of labor, characterized, in particular, in that it is based on socio-economic criteria and in which manufacturers place different production activities.

Planetary Aspects

In astrology, planetary aspects occupies the central place in the development and analysis astrological chart, they are defining modeling that determine through the combination and interaction-specific inflows astral planets the nature and destiny of the human being. Together with the other elements of a chart, planetary aspects can help us find particularly valuable elements that can contribute the most if applied with consistency and perseverance to improve and harmonize our entire lives by providing us also real keys helpful  in our spiritual evolution.